Blonde ~ Daniel Seavey

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(this was supposed to be written like months ago, but i've been putting it off...)

the imagine isn't all smut, only a few scenes are and this isn't my best work of smut, but hey at least it's still smut for all you horny animals..

in this, kay and zach will be dating because idk who to have zach date🤷‍♀️


Daniel's POV

i was chilling in bed, the time being 12am. i had y/n, my girlfriend of five years next to me. she was fast asleep snuggled into my side.

we were chilling in new york for the tour and the boys and i decided to bring our girlfriends along for a few shows.

i slipped out of y/n's grasp and stood up. i let out a yawn and walked to the bathroom.

all of the boys were sharing rooms with our girlfriends.

i used the bathroom and would back out to see y/n shifting a lot on the bed.

i sat at the edge and watched her.

her beautiful face scrunched up as if she was in pain or something.

she was moving more bad kept whispering my name.

i smirked once i realized that she was having a sex dream about me.

i pulled the blanket from around her and she wore my shirt and some underwear.

i pulled her legs apart and crawled between her.

i kissed up her soft legs feeling their warmth as i get closer to her area.

i have her thighs a big squeeze before kissing them.

i began to suck her thighs, giving them love bites.

i then leaned into her area and gave her clothed womanhood a kiss.

she let out a gasp before morning, her still being a sleep.

i reach up and took off her underwear before spreading her folds and giving her a long like.

her hands instantly went to my hair.

she let out a breath.

i moved her legs around my neck so i could eat her out better.

i moved one of my hands to her breast and start messaging them.

she arched her back and took off her shirt.

i moved and looked up.

"you finally awake, babygirl?"
i asked her.

she nods and let's out a whine as i thrust a finger into her, i smile against her leg and added another one.

"daniel! oh my god!"
she said as she grinds against my fingers.

i duck my head down and began licking her as i rub her clit with my finger. she let out a moan.

i continue licking her up.

she gripped my hair and pulled me to her.

i asked.

"i need you in me."
she lets out a gasp.

"ride me?"
i asked.

she says as she moves her legs around me.

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