Telling Fans ~ Why Don't We

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WARNING: this is shit and really short..


you and corbyn have been dating for about a year and a half. he and christina broke up two years ago, so it took him six months to get over her and move on.

you were big in the why don't we fandom because you are jack's sister.

sure, you and corbyn flirt with each other on the internet, but no one sees it or ships it. you wouldn't like to admit it, but you got jealous when people would talk about how they wanted corbyn and christina to get back together.

it got to the point that you two got into arguments so much and you thought about breaking up with him. you two did have a break for a month, bu at the end you both decided it was best to tell people.

you posted a picture of you kissing corbyn with a caption saying "you're out of this world.". he posted a picture of you two saying," i love you to the moon and back.". you were surprised that fans accepted you and some even made fan accounts for you.


you were scared to tell people you were dating. jack and gabbie have been broken up for a while and it was kind of tough since he is a father to lavender.

gabbie didn't feel comfortable with you and lavender, but jack made it clear with her that you were there for the long hall and to get used to it.

gabbie tried to twist up words on the internet saying that jack cheated and other stuff, it annoyed jack but he didn't let it effect him until he saw people threatening him and lavender.

he had it make it clear that he never cheated and that they broke up on good terms, gabbie just spreading lies now that he's moved on.

you planned on tell the fans, but you were scared they'd comment stuff on how they think you'll steal lavender from gabbie and pretend to be her mom which is not what you wanted to do.

so to announce to the world about your relationship, you went ahead and posted a pictures of jack giving you a kiss on the cheek while you holding lavender with a caption that read, "got the whole package and couldn't ask for more.." with a smiley face. jack then posted a similar pictures with the caption, "the loves of my life.." multiple times after that you or jack or even gabbie would have to go in group chats or people's comment sections and tell them that gabbie is a main role in lavenders life and that you are only there when jack is. and that you watch lavender sometimes when jack is out, she calls you babe like jack does since she's kind o talking now.

you and gabbie are best friends and you hang out with her and allie and the little ones.

(a/n: ik gabbie wouldn't spread lies.. which is why in the end you end up being friends.)


you were a family friend, there from the very beginning.

you and daniel happened on accident.

angie introduced you two and she told you repeatedly that he was off limits, but you didn't listen.

you would talk to him or even go out to lunch or dinner with him on the weekends or after he was done recording.

it got to the point that angie didn't care. her feelings for daniel had slowly went away and she have you 100% support.

as soon as she said that you jumped on his bones and have been together for two years.

you and daniel didn't keep the relationship a secret, and would be open about it.

you'd hold hands in public, even when meeting fans. and even flirt online or anything in that sort.

it got to the point that you forced him to announce the relationship since everyone was iffy on the whole relationship.

he posted a picture of you kissing his cheek from his birthday saying "best birthday present in a long time" and it showed him holding a cat from which you bought him. and then you posted a similar picture and the caption read "now he has two pussies" with a smirk face.

everyone laughed at that.


you met jonah through tate, as she and him had broken up.

you and tate were close friends, but not best.

she gave you her 100% support in going for it, but when you went for it jonah rejected you out of respect for tate.

later on, tate moved on to a different relationship and you were still in the dust with jonah.

he had come up to you and asked you out when he realized that tate moved on and he was ready to move on, curtesy to an instagram post she posted of her kissing the cheek of some guy, and the rest was history.

you guys dated for a short amount of time, 6 months, as you both wanted to share your relationship with all of your followers.

he posted a picture of you guys dressed up in your halloween costumes, him in his hogwarts house outfit and you in yours. you both posed with your wands and the caption reads "i made a girlfriend appear" with a nerd emoji.

you posted a picture similar to it but you both were kissing and your caption read "i gave him a love potion."


you and zach both had this connection. but with the age difference you and him never acted in it.

so you stayed in the shadows and was by his side through jordan, cleo, and kay.. both times.

you watched him fall in love with all of them and him just end up hurt in the end.. decisions made that shouldn't have been, but he always ended up hurt in the end.

once he reached the striking age of 18, he approached you and just flat out kissed you and you enjoyed it a lot.

you guys approached the boys months after and they kinda expected it; jonah owed corbyn $50.

you both posted a picture of you guys at his birthday, which made you guys date for about a year..

his picture was of you with cake in your hand and him kissing you with cake on his face, smiles obviously in your faces since it was a fun day and the caption read "loving my birthday extra today.. happy one year my love"

you posted a series of pictures. the one was of a breakfast you put together for zach, your outfit, his present, and then finally a picture of you both kissing that was caught off guard. you caption read "a few kisses and a watch should be a good birthday gift right?"


This sucks.. i know. i just needed to post and realized i haven't in like four months.

i'm a sophomore now and i have no school today because of stupid hurricane (topical storm) eta (even though i'm happy with no school) and i live in florida🙄

who, by the way, VOTED RED! LIKE NO! VOTE BLUE BITCH! but it's okay. because Biden is president now.. and before anyone is like "TrUmP 2020" or "TrUmP 2024" or something along the lines of "biden sucks" just know that both have their negatives. biden isn't a saint. but he was a 100% BETTER CHOICE THEN TRUMP! period. i said what i said.

Love You Guys!

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