Chapter 3

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They both pointed behind me and I dropped my fork.

I widened my eyes and started to choke on god knows what.
???: think I'm a jerk, huh?
I quickly shook my head quickly.
Y/n: n-no
Chan: really?
You know what I've had enough of you Bang Chan. I stood up and faced him properly. As I'm not short like most people I could actually stare into his eyes. I saw him back away a little and I smirked.
Y/n: do you know what, Bang Chan?
Chan: what?
Y/n: I do think you're a jerk. I think you're a lot of things but I'm not going to waste my breath on an imbecile like you!!! I've had enough of your crap Chan. Or should I say jerk!!!
I breathed in and out heavily as everyone watched what just happened. I stepped back and grabbed my stuff. I then ran out of the cafeteria onto the rooftop.
Jeonghan: well done, Chan!!!
He followed me to the rooftop.

{Hyunjin's pov}

I stared at y/n and Chan. She was really mad, like red-faced-mad. She stepped back and grabbed her bag, then ran to somewhere with Jeonghan following her.
Jeonghan: well done, Chan!!!
I stood up and grabbed my bag and stood in front of Chan.
Chan: why do you hang out with a pig like he-
Hyunjin: she's right Chan. You are a jerk. You don't care about anyone else's feelings apart from your's. I really advise that you should think about what you're doing with your life....
I stared at him for a few seconds then went to look for Y/n and Jeonghan. I finally found them on the rooftop and sat next to y/n.

{y/n pov}

Hyunjin: are you ok?
Y/n: to be honest, I kinda feel better than ever!!! I just listened to what Joshua said to me on the text: of they bully you, bully them back. So I did....
Hyunjin: I'm proud of you, Y/n!!!
He smiled at me and I smiled back.
Jeonghan: alright love birds, I'm heading home!!!
We both blushed and looked at Jeonghan.
Y/n: really Jeonghan?
He just shrugged.
Hyunjin: are you actually gonna bunk off school?
Jeonghan: there's only one more lesson anyways. Bye Hyunjin!!! Bye Y/n!!!!
Y/n: bye Jeonghan!!!!
Hyunjin: see ya tomorrow!!!
Jeonghan: bai!
He got up and walked downstairs. After a while me and Hyunjin saw him and waved at him. He waved back and dashed out of the gate before the guard could get him.
Y/n: does it feel to be a part of Stray Kids?
Hyunjin: to be honest, out of school they are lovely people...especially Chan hyung!
I scoffed.
Y/n: sure, Chan, nice, yeah..
Hyunjin: it's true y/n!!! Then when he gets to school...he just, transforms. It's quite sad, really...
He looked down sadly.
Y/n: oh...I guess it must be true...
He looked back up and nodded.
Hyunjin: I don't even know why he bullies a pretty girl like you...
He widened his eyes and started to blush.
Hyunjin: I-I're not pretty, I mean you are but...
I chuckled and looked at him. Seeing him in an embarrassed state was so cute!!!
Y/n: ahhhh, you're cheeks are all red~
Hyunjin: w-what? No t-they aren't!!!
He held his hands up to cover his cheeks but I removed them.
Y/n: don't, it makes you look pretty cute...
He started to blush even more and I chuckled.
Hyunjin: stop making my cheeks red!!!
Y/n: it's called blushing, silly!!!
Hyunjin: eh?
I stared at him in disbelief.
Y/n: you've never heard of blushing?!
He shook his head.
Y/n: how? blush when you are embarrassed. Either you're blushing because someone else or yourself have embarrassed yourself. Or if someone has said something particularly nice and you liked it...your cheeks go red.
Hyunjin: why did I turn red for?
Y/n: said that I was pretty and embarrassed yourself...then I said you were cute and you turned red...
He started to blush again and I chuckled.
Hyunjin: the point is...I don't know why Chan bullies you...
I sighed.
Y/n: because of my look, Hyunjin. My clothes are weird. I can't be bothered to go out shopping so I just don't.
Hyunjin smiled.
Hyunjin: I know what we're doing now.
Y/n: what?
Hyunjin: bunking off school to go shopping for you...
I widened my eyes.
Y/n: really?!
He nodded his head. I'm so excited...I've never bunked off school before!!!
Y/n: I'm so excited yet nervous...
Hyunjin: it's fine...follow me!!!
He grabbed my hand and we ran down the stairs together. Everyone was watching us and from the corner of my eye I could see Stray Kids.
???: what are you doing?
Hyunjin: bunking off school with Y/n!!!
He pulled my hand and we didn't stop running until we were last the corner and no one could see us.
Y/n: that was fun!!!
Hyunjin: I know right..leggo!!!
He pulled my hand again and took me to the mall.
Hyunjin: quick, into here.
He pushed me into a store and picked some clothes for me. After that we payed and headed out.
Y/n: I'm hungry!!!
Hyunjin: let's go to the food court.
I nodded and we walked to the food court. We stood in the line to order them. We ordered it and found an empty table and sat down. Suddenly two people came and sat down next to us.
Y/n: Wonwoo?!
Hyunjin: Seulgi?!
Seulgi: whatever...
Wonwoo: hi...y/n...
Y/n: what the heck are you doing here?
Wonwoo: I don't know...
Seulgi: he's here to visit meeeee!!!
I looked over and saw Hyunjin rolling his eyes.
Seulgi: how do you know Wonu?
Y/n: err...this is awkward...
Seulgi gasped.
Seulgi: are you y/n? By any chance?
I nodded and looked at her in confusion.
Seulgi: I know all about you!!! Wonwoo always used to talk about y-
Wonwoo: shut up Seulgi!!!
I chuckled.
Seulgi: Wonwoo's my bro, you see...
I nodded.
Y/n: now that makes sense...
Seulgi: why did you know?
Wonwoo: umm...I guess we were better off as friends, right?
He looked at me and I nodded.
Seulgi: right...
She looked over at Hyunjin and smiled falsely.
Hyunjin: ahem...
Y/n: did you know?
They shook their heads.
Hyunjin: she asked....
Seulgi: let's just forget about that, ok?
Hyunjin: ok..ok...sheesh.
Wonwoo: how is everyone?
Y/n: good....Joshua left....
I looked down sadly remembering the moments I had with Joshua. I guess that's all in the past now though, right?
Wonwoo: what?! Where to?
Y/n: America....Jeonghan's very sad.
I chuckled as I remembered Jeoghan's reaction.
Wonwoo: haha
Seulgi: we have to go now...I hope we can see you tomorrow!!!!
I nodded.
Y/n: see you tomorrow then.
We waved at each other and they left. We are our food then left.
Y/n: can we get bubbly tea?...
Hyunjin: haha, ok!!
Y/n: thankssss!!!!
We waited in the line but me being me bumped into someone. Yay me....
Y/n: I'm sorry...
???: PIG?!
I looked up and widened my eyes.

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