Chapter 4

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I looked up and my eyes widened.

Chan?! I looked behind him. Stray Kids?! I gulped.
Y/n: h-hey!
I awkwardly waved at them.
Chan: what are you doing here?
Y/n: I can be saying that to you...
I looked away.
Chan: Hyunjin?
Hyunjin: chan?
I looked back up and saw Hyunjin and Chan glaring at each other. Did I miss something? I stepped aside and they both stepped closer towards each other. Sugar...are they gonna fight? I looked at the rest of them and they looked back at me and shrugged.
Y/n: ahem...
They didn't look at me but stood closer to each other instead. Hyunjin glared at Chan.
Hyunjin: have you done what I advised you to do?
Chan: and what's that?
Hyunjin: thought about what you're doing with your life?
Chan smirked.
Chan: I have...and I don't regret what I've done to that pig!!!
He shouted the last part spitting on Hyunjin. I looked down because I knew he was talking about me.
Hyunjin: THAT'S IT!!!!
I looked up and saw Hyunjin punch Chan right in the face. I widened my eyes and stepped back. They kept punching each other until they were bleeding and no one was stopping them. I looked over at Stray Kids.
Y/n: stop them!!!
I was on the verge of crying. Hyunjin looked so hurt...and it was all because of me...I realised it's not up to the rest of them to stop them, but it was me. I slowly walked up to them and stood in the middle. I closed my eyes as I saw two fists flying towards me. I opened my eyes as I didn't feel anything but a body against mine. I was in Hyunjin's embrace. I looked back down and covered my face. I didn't want them to know I was blushing. Hello no!!!!
Hyunjin: y/n? You ok?
I nodded but kept my head down.
Hyunjin: why aren't you looking at meeee?
I shrugged but he let go of me and gently pulled my chin up so he could see my now exposed face.
Hyunjin: why are you so red? Are you ill?...wait!!! Are you blushing!?!?!
I widened my eyes. I really shouldn't have taught him what it meant. Yay me.
Y/n: I'll go with me being ill...
Hyunjin: aww...y/n's blushing, y/n's blushing.
He said it over and over again with that tone. You know, na na na na na. No? Maybe not then...He pinched my cheeks and kept dancing around. I looked over at Stray Kids but they just shrugged.
Y/n: is he normally like this?
Woojin: nope.
I looked over at Chan and saw him glaring at Hyunjin, his nose still bleeding. Sheesh...creepy!!
I looked back over at Hyunjin and rolled my eyes.
Y/n: ok Hyunjin, you can stop now...
He stopped and looked at me. Then he smiled and walked over to Minho. He grabbed the bubble tea out of his hand and started to drink it next to me.
Hyunjin: want some?
He held it out for me but I shook my head.
Y/n: no thanks!!
I went to the till and ordered my own one and another one for Minho. I payed for them and walked up to him. I gave it to him but didn't look at him.

{Minho's pov}

Hyunjin walked over to me and grabbed my bubble tea and started to drink from it!!! How could he? He then offered y/n some but she shook her head and went to the till. She came back and gave me my favourite flavoured bubble tea. I looked at her but she was looking away. I slowly reached out for it and took it. Wow. She's really....kind. After all I've done to her?
Minho: didn't have to...
I was almost whispering at the end because of how shocked I was. I looked over at the rest of them and they were speechless too. I looked back at y/n and saw her looking down.
Minho: ahem...y/n?
She looked up at me like a scared puppy. I chuckled slightly.
Y/n: y-yes?
Minho: thank you...I mean it!
She widened her eyes.
Y/n: r-really?
I chuckled again.
Minho: it's ok y/n...stop stuttering.
Y/n: ok....
I smiled at her and walked closer. She widened her eyes a little more. I lifted my arms and wrapped them around her. I felt that she tense up a little but after a while she calmed down and slowly put her arms around my waist. I smiled to myself and we let go of the hug. She looked up at me and I smiled. She blushed a little and looked down. She's a nice girl...really. I smiled to myself looking like a dork and heard her chuckle.
Minho: what?
Y/n:'s just that you look like a dork right now.
She started it giggle then I started and we couldn't stop. Everyone was watching us with a smile on their faces...hold up! Let me re-phrase that....everyone was watching us with a smile on their faces...Except for Chan. I saw him turning red and trembling with anger. I stopped laughing and gulped. Y/n stopped laughing as well and looked in my direction and saw Chan. I saw her gulp like me and step back towards me.
Y/n: what's happening to him, Minho?
Minho: I don't exactly know...
She stayed quiet and just watched Chan. He stared at us for a while but left shortly afterwards.
Y/n: that was weird...
Minho: I agree....wanna hang around with us, y/n?

{y/n pov}

~3 weeks later~

I can't believe I'm hanging out with my bullies...they're very nice just like Hyunjin had described, well Chan...I don't know yet.

Woojin is still eating his chicken.
Minho and I have grown closer now.
Changbin still loves Felix.
Hyunjin and I are still best friends and hang out at school.
Jisung still loves Minho, a bit jealous that Minho is paying more attention to me.
Felix still dabbing and loving Changbin.
Seungmin still judging Changbin and we've gotten close too.
Jeongin still his adorable self.
Chan still his moody old self

I am now lying in my bed, debating wether or not to get up now or wait 5 minutes more.
I scrambled out of bed and looked out the window. My eyes widened and I raced downstairs still in my pyjamas. I slammed the door opened and saw him standing there. I didn't believe it. I rubbed my eyes and bleibend my eyes a couple of times.
???: I'm real y/n..
He chuckled and I ran to him. I jumped on top of him and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.
Y/n: I missed you!!!
???: I missed you too, lazy ass!!!!

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