Chapter 10

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We looked out of the window and squeezed with excitement.

Y/n: the amusement park!!!
Everyone hyped up when I said that and started screaming and shouting in Hyunjin's face. I laughed at his done face. We all got out and walked towards the entrance.
Woojin: now we need to get into 3 groups of 3.
Hyunjin: I'm with y/n!!!
I smiled at him.
Woojin: ok...y/n choose the other person.
Y/n: hmm...
I looked at them all and saw the right person and smiled.
Y/n: Chan
He looked up and smiled.
Woojin: alright...then it'll be Seungmin, Jeongin, me. And then Jisung, Changbin and Felix.
Jisung: I'm going to be such a third wheeler!!!
He whined and we all chuckled.
Woojin: right!! Let's go group!!
He pulled the two youngest with him and walked to the first ride.
Jisung: we'll be going too.
He walked in the middle on Changlix and pulled their arms. I heard him saying that he wasn't going on any scary rides and chuckled.
Y/n: right then...let's go!!!
I pulled their arms into the park and stopped.
Y/n: where to go though...
We looked around until Chan pulled our arms to a big ride. When I say big I mean humongous!!! I widened my eyes.
Y/n: no no no...not in a million years!!!
Hyunjin: I'm with her!!!
Me and Hyunjin were shaking whilst Chan was jumping up in excitement. He pushed us into the line and people filled in behind us.
Chan: no turning back now!!!
Hyunjin+y/n: CHAN!!!!
I was biting my nails in nervousness until it was our go. It can't be that bad right? You're just overreacting!!! We sat down in a cart and they strapped us down. Now I can't move!!! I started to panic and Chan noticed.
Chan: it'll be fun!!! Trust me you two!!
He held my hand and gave it a squeeze. I held Hyunjin's hand and he relaxed a bit.
Y/n: ok...we're trusting you Chan!!
He smiled and nodded. The ride started and we slowly went up the escalator. We reached the top and I looked down. Jeez!!! Suddenly Chan waved at someone and it was Felix, Jisung and Changbin.
Chan: OI FELIX!!!
They turned around and saw us up there. They waved back but me and Hyunjin did a praying sign and I saw them chuckle.
He put his thumbs up and we did the same but we started to move again so I widened my eyes. I couldn't see the track anymore it was that steep.
Y/n: oh shit...
Joshua wasn't here to tell me not to curse.
Y/n: Chan Chan Cham Chan Chan Chan Chan Chan Chan Chan Chan Chan!!!!!!
He chuckled and squeezed my hand even tighter. We went down and my stomach flipped about 100 times.
Chan: smile for the camera!!!
Me and Hyunjin stopped screaming and looked at the camera dead. After the camera we continued screaming. We went round bends and even more slopes. We finally finished and we got off. Chan hopped off and some people had to help get me and Hyunjin our. We were literally dead. Chan chuckled at us.
Y/n: weird definition of fun, Chan...
Hyunjin: yeah, very weird...
Our voices were nearly gone from all the screaming.
Chan: look it's our picture!!! Let's go see it!!!
We went up to the screen and burst out laughing when we saw it.
Chan: we are so buying this!!!
We bought the picture and looked at it again. We started to laugh again until our insides hurt.
Y/n: can we get candy floss?
Chan nodded but Hyunjin still looked dead.
Y/n: you ok there mate?
Hyunjin looked at me and gave a dead smile.
Hyunjin: I'm fine...totally fine...
We chuckled and walked to the stall.
???: what would you like?
Chan: three candy floss please...
She nodded and gave us three candy floss. We payed and walked around whilst eating them. We finally finished it and walked up to the pirate ship. Chan's idea...not ours. It can't be as bad as the other one so we agreed. We walked into the line.
Felix: Guys!!!
We turned around and were greeted by Felix Changbin and Jisung. We waved at them until the rest came.
Y/n: hi!!!!
Seungmin: what a coincidence!!!
We all chuckled and waited for our go. We finally went on and took our places. Seungmin, Chan and Jeongin were at the back. God save them. Changbin, Felix and Woojin were just in front of them and lastly Me, Hyunjin and Jisung were right in the middle. It goes less high there....we put our safety belts down and waited for it to start.
Felix: nO!! Changbin save me!!!
I looked behind me and saw Felix clinging onto Changbin's arm. Typical. I got my phone out and took a picture of them. Right at then back I saw Chan, Seungmin and Jeongin hyped up. I took a picture of them as well. I looked to both of my sides and saw Jisung and Hyunjin shivering with fear. I took a picture of them both.
Y/n: guys...cheese!!
The three of us looked into the camera and put on scared faces. I chuckled.
Y/n: GUYS!!! CHEESE!!!
They all looked at me and posed for the photo about how they were feeling. They ship started to rock and I put my phone away. It got higher and higher and the three of us at the front screamed louder and louder.
Jisung: WAH!!!!
Felix: CHANGBIN!!!
Changbin: FELIX IS DEAD!!!
Woojin: CHICKEN!!!!
Jeongin: WOOHOO!!!
Chan: G'DAY MATE!!!!
It slowed down and I swear my ears were bleeding. I tried to speak but my voice was too hoarse. We all hopped. More like they hopped off. Me, Jisung and Hyunjin clambered off like drunk people.
Chan: that was fun wasn't it?
I gulped all the dryness our of my throat.
Y/n: yep...totally...
Woojin: let's get something to eat now!!!
Y/n: finally!!! Something I can freely agree to instead of being forced to.
I looked at Chan and he giggled cheekily. I rolled my eyes but eventually cracked a smile. How could you not at his innocent face? We arrived at the food court. I breathed in the food and looked at Felix. We smirked and ran to get our food and sat down together before anyone could say Cheese stick.
They chuckled as they saw us enjoying our food and talking to each other.
Woojin: food buddies.
They all laughed at Woojin's comment and went to get their food. They sat down with me and Felix and talked about today. We showed each other the pictures we took in our groups.
Felix: here's the picture I took of y/n, Hyunjin and Channie. Chan is having the time of his life whilst y/n and Hyunjin were praying!!!
Everyone burst out laughing when they saw the look on my face. Now my go.
Y/n: I think I took the most pictures!!
I got my phone out and showed them the pictures from today.
Y/n: this is Felix hugging Changbin on the pirate ship saying save me. This is the peeps at the back looking all hyped up. This is us three dead and then this is all of us showing how we feel about being on the ship.
Jisung-passed dead
Hyunjin-passed dead
Me-passed dead

 Chan-hypedSeungmin-hypedJeongin-hypedWoojin-hyped Felix-deadChangbin-hypedJisung-passed deadHyunjin-passed deadMe-passed dead

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We all laughed until Chan got something out of his pocket. The picture of us on the ride.
Chan: This is the picture of us on that Ride.
He showed them the picture and burst out laughing like how we did when we first saw it.
Seungmin: you two look so dead whilst Chan....what is that face?
We all laughed again at Chan's stupid face.

what is that face?We all laughed again at Chan's stupid face

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We finished our food and headed out. We hung out until it was dark and met up again.
Hyunjin: there's gonna be New Year's fireworks tonight...
Jeongin: can we go?
He nodded.
Hyunjin: it starts in an hour...let's go.
We arrived at the place and stood in our place and waited for the fireworks to start. If only Minho was here now. I'll take a video of the fireworks and show him. After a while the countdown started.
The fireworks started and it was really beautiful. I took pictures and videos of us and the fireworks. What I didn't realise was that someone was taking a picture of me watching the fireworks.

Hwang Hyunjin

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