Chapter 7

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~next morning~

I woke up and smelt something delicious. I groaned and climbed out of bed. Stupid food...making me get out of bed. But it does smell delicious. I ran downstairs and saw Minho cooking something. I forgot I was now dating Minho.
Y/n: what ya cooking?
Minho: pancakes!!
Y/n: my favourite, yum!!!
I sat down at the table and looked at Minho cooking. He's handsome, isn't he? He finished cooking and walked up to me.
Minho: for you, me lady!
I chuckled. He sat down and we ate before getting changed for school. We got ready and headed outside.
Minho: yah, time for school. Exciting right?
Y/n: yes, the most exciting thing in the world!!
We laughed but he suddenly held my hand. My cheeks turned red and he chuckled.
Minho: is someone blushing?
I grew even redder now.
Y/n: shut up dork!
We arrived outside the school gates and got attacked by a sea of students.
???: are you two going out?
???: how dare you steal my Minho.
Minho: your Minho?
They nodded.
Minho: do you mean y/n's Minho.
I blushed and hit his arm slightly.
???: leave them be, they're cute!!
???: I agree!!!
Wait...they think we're cute? Didn't see that coming...
Joshua: y/n!!! Move out my way peeps!!!
I chuckled as I saw Joshua fighting his way towards us.
Joshua: y/n!!! How have you been?
Y/n: good!!
Joshua: I see you've got a partner before me...
I chuckled.
Y/n: I guess I did...but then again, I don't think anyone would want to go out with you!!!
Joshua: yah!!! Shut up lazy ass!!
Y/n: excuse you?
Joshua: you heard me!!! Now let's go love birds!!
He pulled both of our hands into class and sat down.
The students came in then Stray Kids. Where the heck is the teacher? Wait...I don't want lesson!!! Take as long as you want teach!!
???: is it true that you're going out with Minho, y/n?
Y/n: y-
Minho: of course it's true
Jeongin: noona? You're going out with Minho?
I nodded.
Jeongin: number one fan here!!
I chuckled.
Woojin: is that where you was last night?
Minho nodded.
Jisung: how could you Minho! You promised to play that game with me!!
He pouted and Minho got up.
Minho: I'll play with you tonight, yeah?
Jisung: I want y/n to play as well!!
They looked at me.
Minho: wanna come over?
I nodded.
Y/n: sure!
Woojin: you didn't do anything stupid last night, right?
Me and Minho looked at Woojin straight away.
Woojin: not like that...dirty minds nowadays...
Jeongin: what are you talking about?
Y/n: nothing Jeongin!!
Minho: yeah!!! Don't listen to Woojin!!
I walked over to Jeongin and covered his ears.
Y/n: don't ruin his innocence!!
Woojin: ok ok!! Sheesh.
I let go go jeongin's ear and went to my seat.
Y/n: Josh?
Joshua: yes?
Y/n: how come you came back so early? You know...because you went to America?
Joshua: I begged my parents..
Y/n: wow!! I'm surprised they let you.
Joshua: it took a lot of effort!!
Y/n: yeah...
Teacher: I'm sorry I'm late...had to sort out a problem with Mr. Bang....
I looked up.
Teacher: he's umm...
She looked worried.
Teacher: he's...
She burst out crying and dropped to the floor. Everyone gasped and ran to the teacher. What's happened to Chan?!
Minho: I'll try to find chan.
Y/n: I'm coming!!
He seemed hesitant but nodded. He held my hand and we went out of the room.
Minho: I never realised he wasn't there.
Y/n: same here...where could he be?
He shrugged.
Minho: he could be anywhere..
We kept on searching the whole school but we still couldn't find him until we heard shouting.
Me and Minho looked at each other.
Both: CHAN!
We ran to the direction of the shouting which was the rooftop. I can't believe we forgot the rooftop!!! As we reached their my eyes widened.
Y/n: Minho, that person has a gun!!!
Minho: shh, hide behind here.
We hid behind a bench and listened to their conversation.
Chan: I'm not doing it!!!
???: what did I tell you before, huh?
Chan shook his head and sighed in frustration.
Chan: I'm done!!
???: I guess I'll just have to kill her then?
Chan's eyes widened.
Chan: you wouldn't..
???: oh, but I would!!
Chan: don't you dare..
The other man took his mask off. He looked familiar, wasn't he that person in my class...what's his name? Mark!! That was it.
Mark: don't tell me what to do!!!
Chan stepped back a bit.
Mark: I know what you were doing Chan. You offered to kill her so you could be beside her to protect her, now I know, I will have to kill her and to do that I have to kill you first so you won't be able to protect her...
WHAT?!?!?! I looked over at Minho and he looked as shook as me.
Y/n: what are we going to do?
Minho: I don't know!!!
He started to panic and I calmed him down. He's known Chan for a long time now, they mean so much to each other. Suddenly Mark pulled me up and I screamed.
Y/n: MINHO!!! Save me!!!
Minho: y/n!! Put her down!!
He ran up to us but Mark pointed the gun towards my head.
Mark: my job just got easier.
Minho: stop, please!!
Mark: I see what's going on here, you two are going out right?
Y/n: and why do you care?
Mark: because then it'll hurt him more to see you in pain than him in pain.
We widened our eyes.
Chan: Mark, stop!!
Mark: shut up Chan!!
He shot the gun at Chan's arm and he fell down on the floor.
Minho: CHAN!!
He ran to Chan and dropped to the floor.
Mark: now then, time to kill your girlfriend.
Minho quickly looked up.
Minho: No!!!
Mark dropped me on the ground and I quickly stood up. Chan sat up and Minho stood up. Mark pointed his gun at me and I shut my eyes because of how scared I was. I heard the bang and someone hugging me, but no pain? I looked up and saw Minho smiling at me. He kissed my forehead.
Minho: stay safe y/n-ah. I love you always...
He dropped to the ground and a pool of blood spread out on the floor. My eyes started to water and I dropped on my knees next to Minho.
Y/n: Minho!! Wake up, I'm sorry...
Chan crawled next to me and hugged me.
Y/n: Chan, he's in pain because of me. He took my bullet!!! I'm so sorry Minho!!
Chan: y/n, i-it's not your f-fault.
I forgot that he's in pain as well. Everyone's in pain because of me. Why? I'm sorry guys.
Y/n: a-are you ok, Chan? You got shot..
Chan: im Fine...
The door slammed open and we looked behind us.
???: DROP THE GUN!!!

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