Chapter 29

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I widened my eyes and gripped Hyunjin's arm.

Hyunjin: what's up y/n?
I pointed to where I was looking and heard Hyunjin gasp.
Y/n: she knows we're leaving now. She's coming to get us...
Hyunjin: it's ok y/n...we'll tell the other guys later and then sort it out.
I nodded and we slowly made our way to the runway.

~time skip~

We are now in the air and Jeongin has come to join us.
Jeongin: y/n...he seems familiar...
Y/n: where?
Jeongin pointed to a man and I gasped.
Y/n: he does seem familiar!!
Suddenly the man turned his head towards us and we looked away. We heard him chuckle and get up.
Y/n: i think he caught us staring at him Jeongin!!
I whisper-shouted. He nodded his head. We heard someone cough in front of us and slowly looked up. It was the man.
Y/n: h-hey...we didn't mean to stare at yo-
???: it's fine, honestly!!
His voice seems familiar too.
???: you two seem a bit shocked?
Y/n:'s just that you really resemble someone....but we can't figure out who...
???: will this help?
Me and Jeongin looked at him confused. He pulled down his mask and took his cap off. My eyes widened until they hurt.
Jeongin: what!!! Mar-
I quickly shut his mouth.
Y/n: he doesn't want his fans bothering him on his flight...
Hyunjin: uhh...I'll just be with Changlix...
We nodded and the Mark Lee sat beside me. I tensed up a little. What if I smell, I probably look like a potato right now....
Mark:'s ok!! Just act like we're friends!! Ok?
I nodded slowly and Jeongin just stared at him.
Y/n: I'm y/n, by the way...and this is....
I motioned for Jeongin to speak.
Jeongin: J-Jeongin
Mark: they're cute names.
Y/n: t-thanks...we're fans of nct, actually. Especially nct dream...but we're really sad you graduated from the group...
Mark: I'm sad too...I love hanging out with them dorks and messing around.
He motioned to some other dudes looking at us. It then hit me. All of nct were on this plane!!! On this freaking plane!!! I turned back to Mark and smiled.
Mark: who are your biases?
Y/n: mines Haechan, cuz he's so handsome and talented!!! Don't tell him though, that's embarrassing...
Mark: ahahahahahaha!!! Yo bro?
???: yeah bro?
Mark: come here bro!!
???: alright bro!!
Then someone stood up and walked towards us.
???: what's up bro?
Mark: take your mask off bro
???: alright bro
The man took his mask off and I nearly screamed. I slapped Mark's arm and looked away blushing.
Mark: you have an admirer here bro. She thinks you're really handsome and talented
???: really bro? Lemme see you~
I nervously peeked out from Jeongin's arm and saw him standing there. The Lee Donghyck, Haechan, Full Sun!!! I gulped and smiled.
Y/n: h-hello...
Haechan: hello!! You're very pretty!!
I blushed again and hid my face.
Y/n: t-thanks...
Haechan: and whose your bias?
Jeongin: errr well...
I looked at Jeongin and smirked.
Y/n: it's Mark!!
Mark: really?! I'm honoured. Big honour man~
Jeongin: hehe
Y/n: W-well...what takes you to Korea?
I mentally face palmed myself. What are hey doing in Korea?! Are you stupid girl? They live there!!!! Idiot, gotta make a fool out of yourself.
Y/n: never mind...I'll just stop talking and making a fool out of myself....
Haechan: don't!! Your voice is nice!!
He winked at me and I swear I passed out.
Mark: bro stop flirting
Haechan sat on Mark's lap and uwu'd inside.
Y/n: Markhyuck is real...try convincing me otherwise.
Mark+Haechan: Markhyuck?!
I nodded and Mark turned red. Haechan smirked and went in to kiss him.

 Haechan smirked and went in to kiss him

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Mark: bro stop!!
Haechan: no ya~
Mark: yeah yeah
Haechan: I said I love ya~
Mark: I know
Haechan: I said I.Love.Ya~
Mark: ugh I love you too
Haechan: yay!!! My love loves me back!!!
Mark: ugh shut up Haechan!!
Haechan: love you too
Mark: go away~
Haechan: no!! I wanna see her pretty face!!!
He pointed to me and I blushed.
Mark: she's called y/n
Haechan: cute~
He pinched my cheeks and I whined.
Y/n: yah!! Do that to Mark not me~
Mark: what?!
Haechan looked at Mark and smiled creepily.
Haechan: come here baby~ whose older than me but whatever, baby~
He pinched Mark's cheeks really hard and they turned red.
Y/n: are your cheeks red from the pinch or because your blushing?
Haechan: my love is blushing because of me~!!
Mark: thanks y/n (──)
Y/n: love ya too~
Me and Haechan high fived.
Mark: is she always like this?
Jeongin: sadly, yes.
Y/n: yah!!
I flicked his head and he rubbed it in pain.
Jeongin: noona~ that hurt!!!
Markhyuck: Noona?!
Y/n: yeah...I'm older than him by about a month.
Mark: how old are you guys?
Y/n: we're both turning 18 soon, but I'm his birthday is 2 months after mine.
They nodded.
Mark: you guys are quite young then?
Y/n: yeah...not as young as Jisung Pwark!
We all laughed but the captain spoke.
Captain: captain speaking...we're about to descend so please fasten seat belts. Thank you
Mark: well we better be off!! Nice seeing you two. Hope we see you in some of our concerts!!
Y/n: hopefully!! Bye Mark!!
I waved and hugged him.
Mark: by jeonginnie!!
He ruffled his hair and Jeongin smiled.
Jeongin: bye guys!!!
Haechan: bye Jeongin!!
He turned to me and smiled.
Haechan: hope to see you again, milady~
He bowed and I slapped his arm.
Y/n: bye Haechan~
We hugged and he shook my hand. I was confused but felt a piece of paper in my hand. He winked and left to go to his seat. I blushed and faced forwards. I opened the note up and smiled.

Text me y/n

I smiled like a dork and Hyunjin came back.
Hyunjin: you good?
Y/n: never been better!!!
I sighed and we started to go down.

~time skip~

The plane finally landed and we got off. I was hoping to get a glance of nct but no luck. I have Haechan's number though!!!! I happily skipped out of the airport and into the car.
Hyunjin: why are you and Jeongin smiling so much?
Me and Jeongin looked at Hyunjin and squealed whilst shaking each other.
Jeongin: I can't believe we actually met them!!!
Y/n: I know!!! He even gave me his phone number!!!
Jeongin: he did?!?
I nodded and smiled as widely as I could.
Y/n: yessss!!!
Jeongin: lucky!!!
Y/n: don't worry I'll text him and you can join, right?
He nodded and we eventually calmed down.
Y/n: maybe I can ask him for Mark's number?
Jeongin looked at me and widened his eyes.
Jeongin: you'd do that for me?
I nodded.
Jeongin: yasss!!!
Woojin: guys? Whose Mark and this mysterious guy?
Y/n: MARK LEE!!! And that mysterious dude is freaking LEE DONGHYUCK, HAECHAN!!!!
Woojin: what? How?!
Y/n: well...we were staring at Mark because we knew that he looked familiar, then he came up to us and we chatted. I said my bias was Haechan, so Mark called him over and we all talked and laughed. When we were about to descend, Haechan have me his phone number!!! Wait? HE GAVE ME HIS PHONE NUMBER!!!
I pulled my phone out and typed in Haechan's name.

It's me, Y/n

I was hoping that you texted me xx

Yeah...I only just realised that
I got Lee Donghyuck's number!!

Yeah...I wanted to give you my number
because you're a really pretty, funny girl!!!!
I just wanted to see you again after the plane
ride, and at our concerts maybe?

Of course!! I'll be going to all
your concerts!!!
Btw, can Jeongin perhaps get Mark's

Yeah sure...I'll ask Mark

Yeah sure...take your time!!

I smiled at my phone and saved his name as

I put my phone away and smiled to myself. Little did I know, someone read all the messages and was very jealous.

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