Chapter 19

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Minho opened the door and our eyes widened.

He immediately closed the door and we heard a gasp from inside the room. We ran into the kitchen and sat down as if nothing happened. A few seconds later they came in and looked at us.
Y/n: what?
Mum: you didn't see?
Y/n: see what?
Dad: what happened in the living room.
Minho: we don't know what you're talking about. We were in the pool.
Mom: explains why you're in his clothes y/n.
Dad: nice to have an evening swim?
We both nodded awkwardly.
Mom: I'll cook dinner!
Dad: I'll help. Why don't you invite your friends Minho?
Minho: ok
Dad: and you y/n, you can invite your friends.
I looked away sadly.
Y/n: they are my friends.
Mom: how about Joshua?
Y/n: please don't talk about him right now mom.
Mom: oh...alright sweetheart.
Dad: hey, why don't you watch a film with them?
We agreed and headed into the living room. Minho already called them and they're on their way.
Y/n: I'll get the popcorn. You choose the film. Don't forget about Hyunjin and Jeongin.
He chuckled.
Minho: extra scary film it is then!
I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen.
Y/n: could we have some popcorn please?
Dad: yep, here
He handed me the popcorn packets and I shoved them into the microwave. One by one of course, I'm not that dumb. A few minutes they were all fished and I opened them all. I grabbed and extra large bowl and dunked the popcorn into it. Smells.So.Good!! I carried the bowl into the living room where they guys had already arrived. I placed the bowl on the table and sat down on the sofa next to Jisung and Minho.
Y/n: what are we watching?
Jeongin: a quiet place!!! The hyungs said that it's the funniest film they've watched!!!
Hyunjin: yeah!!! I do love a good comedy!!!    They really put on a horror film and said it was a comedy. They are so naughty!! I glared at them all playfully but they just shrugged their shoulders. I reached for the popcorn and stuffed it in my mouth.
Y/n: want some? Minsung? Helloooo
They both looked at me weirdly.
Y/n: what?
Jisung+Minho: Minsung?!
I chuckled.
Y/n: yeah!!! It's your ship name!!!
They rolled their eyes and grabbed some popcorn.

~after the film~

Ok so now I'm very, extremely tired. I just wanna lie down on a bed but where? This isn't my bed for me to sleep in. I sighed and stretched my legs and arms. I got up with the popcorn bowl and put it into the kitchen. I walked into the second living room and saw my mum and dad sitting there. I walked up to them and sat opposite, on the sofa.
Y/n: mom, dad, I'm there an extra room where I can stay?
My dad nodded.
Dad: upstairs....there are 5 spare rooms. Just choose one of them.
I nodded and walked back into the other living room where the boys were. I walked up to Minho and whispered into his ear.
Y/n: can I borrow some more clothes please?
He nodded and got up. We walked up and inside his room. He handed me a pair of sweatpants and a top. I thanked him and walked into the bathroom. I got changed and walked back out. I heard someone chuckle so I looked up.
Y/n: what?
Minho: that top is massive for you.
Y/n:'s not that big.
He looked at me and walked back downstairs. Ok? I also walked downstairs.
Minho: guys you can sleep here.
They all nodded and walked upstairs. I also walked upstairs and chose one of the spare rooms. I walked inside and turned the lights off. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. As soon as I was about to drift off to sleep someone came in. That person climbed onto my bed and crawled towards me. My breath hitched and I started to breath heavily. What is happening right now?
???: y/n
Jisung. His voice was just a whisper but since it was close to my ear it was very loud. His breath tickled my ear and neck and I gulped.
Y/n: j-jisung? What are you d-doing?
Jisung: shh
He put his finger onto my lip to shush me. I gulped once again. My heart started to beat faster. The thing was not beating fast because I'm what is it?
Jisung: y/n?
His voice was low and husky. I looked up at him, not that he could see mine and my red cheeks.
Y/n: y-yes?
Jisung: what's you relationship with Minho hyung?
Y/n: h-he's my brother Jisung, you know t-that.
Jisung: and Chan hyung?
I gulped.
Y/n: he's just my best friend Jisung.
Jisung: before you guys moved here?
Y/n: h-he was my b-boyfriend. But we broke u-up.
Jisung: not fair y/n.
I could see he was leaning in and I widened my eyes. Is he gonna kiss me?! He leaned in until our foreheads were touching. I gulped and he chuckled. I squeezed my eyes shut and felt a pair of lips on my forehead. Phew... I opened my eyes and I saw Jisung more clear now since I got used to the dark. He looked genuinely scared.
Jisung: can I sleep with you, y/n? I'm scared
I chuckled and pushed him onto the space next to me.
Y/n: of course squirrel.
Jisung: thanks boo!
He turned around and a few seconds later I heard his soft snores. I sighed. What was that all about? Why did he ask me what my relationship with Chan and Minho was? And why did he say it wasn't fair? Ughhh I'm thinking too much!! I closed my eyes but felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I was about to slap this person when I remembered that it was Jisung. Was he still asleep? I looked closer at his eyes and yes they were closed. I snuggled into him and I also eventually fell asleep.

~next morning~

I woke up due to the sun being too bright. My must you do this to me j-hope? I sighed and rubbed my arms but soon realised I was hugging someone. I turned and saw a cute squirrel lying next to me. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.
Y/n: morning sleepy head! I'm going in the bathroom first. Once I'm done you go in there ok?
He slowly nodded his head and I walked into the bathroom. I did my usual stuff...just not with my belongings but spare ones. I finished and walked into the bedroom again.
Y/n: your turn!!!
I shouted into his ear making him jump.
Jisung: sheesh ok!!!
He walked into the bathroom and I waited for him. About 2 minutes later he came back. Geez he gets ready fast.
Y/n: ready?
He nodded. We both walked downstairs and were greeted with 10 pairs of eyes. I shifted in my space uncomfortably and so did Jisung.
Y/n: ahem...what?
Mom: sweetie...come here, you too Jisung.
We sat down opposite my mum and dad and she gave me her phone. We looked at it and started to choke.

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