Eragon The Eternal

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^^^^Imagine Eragon to be a much larger and scarier looking version of the above stuffed dragon.

The Truth is, every monster you've met or will ever meet was once a human. They had a soul what was soft, light, and innocent. Someone stole that light and turned them into this. The harsh reality is no matter how good a person you are, your always the villain in someone else's story.

Even the Dragon's that fly over towns and villages, turning them to all to ash. They were once humans burned by someone else. There hearts once bright and loving, are now blackened and dead. Eragon is no different, and this is the legend of how he came to be.

Eragon the Eternal... His legend has been around forever, passed down from father to son. Every young inspiring hero wants to be the one that finally kills the dread beast. But as I stated before...

All monsters were once human!


There was once a powerful kingdom, with a ruthless and cruel king. He ruled through fear and darkness. One day he had a son. One with a light you could see for miles. As the child grew so did his light. Everyone loved him. He would walk the streets giving a helping hand to those in need. And despite the darkness that lied within his own home, his caring loving smile never faltered.

He grew up into a loving Prince. One the kingdom loved and followed. The young prince's light reached far. Even to the hearts of the fae that once threatened the land. He would visit the Great Forest hoping to create peace, something his father was not for.

The king grew distant... angry... desperate. He launched an attack on the great forest. His son saw the hate that plagued his heart and ran to fae, praying it wasn't too late. When the king found out he thought it a betrayal.

He gathered his men and walked right in the Great forest, fire in hand. He set the trees ablaze and sent the fae running, all with a wicked smile on his face. The army marched on till they reached the Tree of Life. All magic runs through the world through the roots of each Life tree. It's what gives life to the fae and light to the world...

And in one swift movement, it burst into fire, screaming out in a chorus of agony. The young prince witnessed the destruction with a horrified expression and for the first time, his light began to dim. A darkness began to creep in as he watched his father destroy the home of such kind people. Sadness crept in as he saw the pain in their eyes. Anger crept in as the kights he once revered as allies slaughtered innocent lives right in front of him.

Hate crept in as he heard his father laugh, proud at what he'd done. Hate for his father. Hate for his kingdom...

Hate in himself, for not having been able to stop what happened... Hate in himself for being the cause of what will.

The young prince grabbed a sword from a fallen soldier and challenged his father. The king saw the rage and smiled. His son finally looked like him. 

Well, the battle was done the forest was in cinders. The tree of life was in flames and at its feet lied the body of the evil king that stole his own sons light. 

This bright enchanting light filled the area and the prince fell to knees, seeing the solom faces of the tree's protector. The druids looked around seeing the destruction and started to cry. The prince just hung his head, unable to move or say anything. His heart filled with guilt and sadness.

The Druids saw the king and the blood that now pooled at the trees feet and they began to burn with rage. The young prince didn't even bother to beg for mercy. They saw the darkness the rooted itself in him. They took one good look at him and deemed him the villain.

Upon hearing those words the last of the princes light vanished from sight leaving nothing but darkness that burned through him and left him cold and desolate. The druid promised to return the pain tenfold and soon the young prince was surrounded with this light. He stood there and as a tear fell from his eyes he looked up to see the bright blue sky.

The last time he'd see the sun with human eyes.


"What happened next, Grandpa?" A small child said as he peeked his head out from under the covers.

"No one knows, but they say the young prince is still out there to this day. His desire for revenge burning through him."

"Like dragons fire!" The young child yelled as he jumped up in bed thrusting his arm out as if holding a sword. "One day I'll meet this Eragon, and I'll be the one to bring him down."

"Of course you will my young hero." The grandfather ruffled the kid's hair and laid him back down, tucking him back in for the second time that night. He walked to the door and turned off the light, glancing back at his grandson and smiling. "Good night, Roman."

"Good night, Grandpa."

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