17. Finally food!

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^^^ New book cover cuz the other one fit more for the other book.

  "Well, it seems I am late to the party. I hope my son's arent being too difficult." I looked to see Father in the doorway sitting in a wheelchair, this big smile on his face. "I take it your upset again, Logan." Logan looked away, guilt in his eyes and I frowned. "Don't beat yourself up and sit down. It's a family dinner!"

"I'm sorry he insisted on joining." Father's caretaker said as she wheeled him into the table, beside Virgil and Patton. Great... actually this was great. This way I don't have to drag Virgil to fathers room to meet him.

"It's quite alright Maria. Please feel free to take the rest of the day off." Maria's eyes went wide and she smiled, before nodding and walking out. Logan just ran a hand through his hair and sighed, not really understanding why he was still even there.

"Logan, sit down." Father said as Logan groaned out. "I haven't had both my son's with me for dinner for a very long while. Now, which one of you strapping men was the one that melted Logan's, icy heart."

"FATHER?!" Logan yelled red as a tomato. Patton just sat there wide-eyed and in shock while Virgil and I laughed. We all took our seats and I looked over at Virgil to see he hadn't gotten his new food. I frowned and Virgil looked over at me smiling.

"I'm not allergic, Roman. I just..." He pushed around his dish till he found a small piece of chicken, holding it up and laughing. "I need more meat. I'm a carnivore... I don't do this." He gestured to the mess of fruits and veggies and I couldn't hold back a laugh. 

"You had me worried over a lack of meat?" He smiled awkwardly and I shook my head laughing. Patton looked over at him and frowned, making my smile slowly fall. There was more wasn't there. "Any particular dish you want?"

"Steak sounds nice..." He was practically drooling as I took the plate. Patton looked over at him and then at me obviously concerned and confused. Virgil isn't telling me something, is he. I started for the kitchen and Patton jumped up grabbing my arm and pulled me inside. I gave him a look of concern and he just took a deep breath.

"Roman, this is going to sound very weird but.. nevermind... Can I make is food?" I looked over at the chef who was about to complain when I shook my head and signaled for him to leave. 

"Sure... But I'm going to help." His eyes went wide and he started to stop me. "Look, I care for Virgil, A LOT."

"I get that but Roman please trust when I say..."

"I love him, Patton." He clammed up and dropped his gaze. "Nothing and I mean nothing will change that. I don't care if he eats toads." I said laughing obviously making a joke. Patton just shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.


"What?" He glanced at the door and sighed. 

"Virgil can't have cooked meat. It has to be raw." I was confused, to say the least. What kind of diet calls for uncooked meat. "That was the problem with the dish. Not the fruit or the vegetables, although he did need more meat. He is a carnivore."

"I'm confused." He smiled apologetically and walked around looking through everything to find something to make. "Patton?"

"I can understand how this must seem. But its true... he can get sick and a sick dra... Virgil is not a happy thing. You still want to help?" I didn't even need to think about it.

"Of course! But one of these days you are all going to need to explain this to me." He laughed and I jumped to grab the steak.

"One day, Roman. One day..."

"I can see why you've captured, Roman's eyes." I tensed up as I finally left the kitchen, bowl in hand. "You would've caught mine too, had I been younger."

"FATHER?!" Both Logan and I yelled at the same time, causing Virgil to jump and look at me. Father just laughed. I shot him a look as I handed Virgil his bowl and Logan pinched his nose in embarrassment.

"I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of making you something too since we weren't expecting you." Patton said as he left the kitchen holding another bowl. This one was more a chicken noodle but not... Patton said it was best since he was so sick. Ironic how energized he seemed now. So much so he's hitting on my boyfriend... not my... whatever.

"Roman, your as red as your sash." I covered my face and sat down. Logan, you can be such an ass sometimes. "I thought Virgil was getting a steak."

"Uh..." I said looking at Patton and then at Virgil. He did seem confused at why he had a bowl. That was until he actually took a bite. His eyes went wide as he glanced between Patton and I. "He did."

"Thank you." He mouthed to Patton as he devoured his soup thing. Patton wanted it to look normal. So we hid the raw meat in a bowl of rice, veggies, and broth. You wouldn't have even known... unless told of course. He stopped and looked around the table, wiping his face with embarrassment. "Sorry."

"That's quite alright, boy. You should see Logan when he gets his hands on crofters. Or Roman... with crofters. These boys really do like their jelly."


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