damaged goods

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I walk around with these battle scars
The wounds were deep
I tried to control the bleed
I walked alone worthless and nothing

I'm just damaged goods
You'll never know what you did to me
My own personal drug
Another type of hell

You pulled me in
One word was all it took
I was hooked
On all the things we were and could be

Then you left
I was stuck in withdraw
The pain struck with every breath of air I took
I won

Again, you came and pulled me in
I tried to fight back
To be angry and say enough was enough
Only you won

My emotional baggage was far too much
It made me annoying to you and everyone around
They all turned away
Slammed the door in my face
Left me wide awake at night

Just me and my damaged goods
Who will ever want Me?
The one who is bent, almost broken
Beyond repair and belief
It was time to say goodbye
And step into a new life
Without your addiction to draw me in again

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