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I'm drowning in my mind
Thoughts pass by
All the times
Good and bad
Flying through my mind

I love you so much it hurts
I can't breathe
I can't think
I want to be back in your arms
Its what I've wanted

Now that I have it
I'm afraid it's gonna disappear again
Trust issues weren't my problem before
Self doubt is still my killer
I don't have lots of self love

I don't see the good in me
I can't accept compliments
I'm random
I have highs and lows
I'm a trainwreck
My mind is a mess
I wonder once more what led you to chose me

I'm not the prettiest
I struggle all the time
I'm a geeky band nerd
So why me?
Why not the other girl around the corner?
The one who isn't fucked up by a life she thought she left behind

Why not the other girl?
The girl not afraid of eye contact
The girl who can stand tall
The girl who doesn't hide behind her hair
The girl who's tall and pretty
The girl well balanced
The girl who's had relationships and kisses
Why not her?
Why little ole me?

I don't want to hurt you
I don't want to feel hurt
I want to be normal
I want to exist
I want to feel human
You fix my mess
Thank you for loving this trainwreck I've made of me
Please don't go away again

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