kids and evil

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We were just kids
How were we supposed to know
Of all the evil things
The things that bring us down
We fall harder and harder
Into the abyss
With no way out

Kick and fight
Don't let them take you down

Just one more drink
Staring down an empty glass
It's bottomless pit stared back
You call for another
And another
And another
Just something to numb the pain inside

You come home and say the things I never wished to hear
I was just a child
Each word was another knife searing another hole through us
They left many scars
How was I never enough

I fought and fought
I wanted to be good enough
Just love and compassion
All you demanded was more and more
It was hard to respect you
When all I saw was a hardened man with nothing inside

You say one thing
Then another
Playing my mind
I could no longer deal
With the things in my head
Tears just fell and fell
Did you ever really care
About the pain you pushed on me?

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