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Do you hear the voices calling out to me?
The ones who say we'll never be
I want to try, I do
I'm trying not to run away

I want to be right for you
I want to be better
I want to be good enough
But it feels out of reach

I don't want to be just another heartbreak
I want this time to be different
I'm fighting the feeling
I'm trying to stay

Let's take it slow
Make it easy
Let it be natural
Give me some time to think
A little space to breathe

I love you
I know that now
I'm falling for you everyday
I'm terrified of what that means

I've fallen before
I could never get back up
This time could kill me
What if it ends bad?

I'm tired of playing the optimist
I can't do it anymore
So many things can go wrong
I don't know what's going to happen

Tell me, do you hear the voices?
The ones that tell me how disgusting I am
The ones that haunt my dreams
The ones to tell me no matter what I'll never be perfect

I disgust myself
I'm too fat but I'm too skinny
I'm that odd height between tall and short
I'm too nerdy and geeky

I look at myself in the mirror
I can never see what you see in me
Tell me what you want from me?
No one ever loves me for me
There's always something in it for them

What's the purpose now?
I want to believe you're  different
I'm too insecure
I'll never feel better
Does it ever get better?

I don't want to annoy you
My walls are falling in
Tell me I'm not crazy
That there are voices
In your head
That give you every scenario
With ways that this can end badly

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