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Don't you know these scars never fade?
They'll always remain
Worst of all, they're a reminder of the silent killer
The only one in the mirror.

What I never knew I always wanted, after all.
How do you live in a body with a mind begging to die?
It's a riddle with no answer

Keep fighting
There's so much more to live for
These scars are a reminder
Of how strong you are

When things are too fierce in your mind
I'll be a friend, always kind
What do I say? What can I do?
Just be there for you.

That girl, she held so much love
If only they could see
The light she brings to the room
A world of love, instead of hate

Her past was a dark secret
She hid it away
Kept it from the light
Even if it killed her inside
Who would want to hear about the sad little girl?
She only wanted love that no one could give
Someone to understand on her final day
No one could find their way to her, help her start over

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