toxic overthinker

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I can't understand
What you possibly like about me
I'm nothing more
Than an overthinker

I don't see what you see in me
What I see is a person
With more flaws and scars
Than any other being alive

I want more than this tiny town
All I can see is the fake
Who actually cares?
No one does

I'm alone in this world
I know that
I've shoved everything out
After all, how do I let the good things in?

The people you rely on most
How many are genuine?
My problems can never be their problems
I should deal with them alone

It all piles up
I'm drowning
Not even close to perfect
Just let me go

I'm toxic to you
And everyone around me
I'm bad for you
Can't you see?

Just let me go
Because I don't want to be the one to hurt you
I don't understand what you see
In little ole worthless me

I strive for more
I need out of this town
I want away from the midnight thoughts
The thoughts that pull me down

I didn't think it could be this way
I'm terrified to hurt you
Every little thing
I overthink

I want away from myself
I'm a threat to me and to you
I push people away
It's what I'm best at
I'm a toxic waste

My thoughts threaten to kill me
That voice that pipes up
"You're not good enough"
"You'll never be good enough"
I'm trying not to give in

One day your patience will wear thin
One day you'll see how disgusting I am
You'll feel as repulsed as me
I'm better off running

Maybe someday I'll stop being such a toxic overthinker

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