i'm so sorry

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To all those before
I'm so sorry
I wish I had been better
I wanted to be good enough

I strived for greatness
It was just out of reach
Far from my touch
I say that I'm fine
But I'm dying inside

I'm so sorry
I wanted more
I'm so sorry
I couldn't fight
I'm so sorry
To say I was fine
I'm my own worst enemy

I fight my pain with music
It blasts through the speakers in my ears
It's the only thing
That will ever fill the void
Of loneliness
In a sea of people
I've never felt more alone

I'm a fish out of water
Oxygen isn't my friend
I find it hard to breathe
With the weight on my chest
Telling me you'll never be good enough

All I can say is
I'm so sorry
To you and for me
I'm a worthless excuse
And a waste of space
So I say, I'm so sorry

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