don't let go

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I lie awake
Staring at the ceiling
Letting my tears fall
I hurt inside

Nobody knows the pain I feel
It runs deep in my bones
I was just a kid
When you took your life away from us

We had good times
How was I supposed to see it coming?
How could I miss the pain inside?
If only I had one more night, I'd tell you I was sorry

It's been 6 years
They feel like a lifetime
Everything is different
I wonder how I'd be different if only you were Here?

I hope your pain is gone
It's a burden
I'm facing the world
Knowing you're gone

I know the truth now
I didn't then
They wouldn't say
How do you tell kids that you can make it end?
They didn't expect me to understand

There's so much death
I hope you're proud
Looking down on us
Seeing what we accomplish
Knowing that we were growing up

If you really love me
Don't let go of me
You're on my mind
I've been wasting time
I need to live my life
It's just so hard sometimes

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