Chapter 25

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He kissed me on the lips passionately. We haven't had a passionate kiss in a while. So this was amazing.

We both smiled at eachother and decide to have a day to ourselves so we could try to get some stress off of our shoulders.


*At the beach* (night)

My feet walked through the sand as the waves crashed on my feet. I looked out into the distance.

I took in the beautiful view. The dark blue sea looked so beautiful with the moons reflection on it.

Sometimes you need to just take a deep breath and enjoy life.

I kept walking until I got swept off my feet. I let out a loud scream.

"James, put me down!" I begged while playfully hitting his back

I tried to be serious but I kept laughing.

Sometimes James isn't afraid to let go and be a kid again. Which I clearly need to do.

He carried me into the water and dropped me. The water pulled me down, the water was deeper than I thought. I swam back up promising to get revenge on James but he wasn't around. I looked around but it was kind of dark so I couldn't really see.

I swam back to the sand and started to panic, thinking if the possibilities that could've happened to him.

"James! James! James!" I shouted out

I then felt hands creep around my waist. Oh no. If this isn't James I don't know what I will do.

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