Chapter 28

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(At home)

*1 week later*


I sat in a chair and stared out the window. Looking into the rainy distance pouring down on the city. The thunder boomed and the lightning flashed like a camera picture. The sky was a mass of black cloud. The weather matched my mood.

I lost my mom and now my one and only baby.

I sat there with puffy eyes. Mad at the world.

How could something like this happen to me?

A part of me wanted to join them, in heaven. I imagined Amber laughing and playing with my mom.

I wanted to wash away the horrible images of her slowly dying in that hospital bed. Also her not being able to go to her first prom, or having her first love, or starting a family of her own one day. She will never get to do any of those things!


"Here is your lunch." James put a plate on the table

I didn't acknowledge it. I didn't want food. I didn't need food.

James took a chair and pulled it up beside me.

"Catherine, you need to eat. You haven't eaten for 4 days straight. I'm getting worried."

I crossed my arms and continued to look out the window not saying a word.

"Amber's death is not your fault."

"Yes it is James! If I never left her with that sick bastard Lindsey, she would be here right now!" I shot back

"Stop it. Stop blaming yourself for all of the life mistakes that you can't control!"

"But I could've controlled this. Like my mom said 'Good things come to people who wait'. Well I've been waiting! " I said staring back at the window

James let out a sigh and went into the bedroom to go to sleep.

I was drained. Drained of tears, drained of emotions, and drained of happiness.

A/n: Omg 2 more chapters left!!!

This story kinda went by fast.

I loved this experience. I'll be defiantly writing other books.




Love you!❤️

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