Chapter 15

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We were sitting on the living room couch. It was dark out and we were watching the movie "The Conjuring". James went to go out and get us some food so I was left in the condo in the dark all by myself. I was being stupid and curious again so I decided to check his phone.

He wouldn't cheat on me right?

I looked through it for a few minutes then put it down. Then the screen lit up moments later. A name lit up on the screen. It was Lindsey...

Really? How did he get her number?

Now my face was turning red and I was so mad. I check the message from her.

Lindsey: Hey baby, want to hang out tonight? Don't tell your girlfriend.

Oh hell to the no. She called him baby, and is trying to make plans with him!?

I really don't like her. I scrolled up their messeges. I found something that I can't believe would happen. She sent him nudes. I'm done! By this point I was so torn and angry. I was pacing the room with the phone in my hand and with steam coming out of my ears. Not really, but you know what I mean. I was waiting for him to come home to confront him about this. I checked the messages again to see if he replied or asked. He did. I can't believe him! My bully? Wow, I can't handle this right now.

Just then James walked through the door with Chinese food.

"Hey babe." he said coming to give me a kiss on the cheek

I pushed him off.

"What is this?" I replied with a stern voice holding up his phone with the messages

"Uh...Why were you on my phone?" he stuttered

"Answer the damn question!" I snapped back at him more furious than I have ever been

He tried to take the phone out of my hands but I pulled my hand back.

"Why is she sending you nudes?" I questioned with my shaky voice

"It's not like that Catherine." he said stepping closer to me

I stepped back.

"I really can't believe you. I'm done!" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks

I walked out of that condo and ran to the elavator. I wanted revenge. So I texted the guy I bumped into the night of the party.

Me: Hey this is Catherine. Aka the girl who was crying in the elavator. I remember you said to text you when I need someone to talk to...Well I think that time is now.

Him: Hey, I remember you. I'm Cole btw. Okay just come up to my condo #9.

I pressed to the 4th floor. Right now I didn't care about James' feelings because he sure as hell didn't care about mine.

I walked out and walked to door #9. I knocked and waited. He opened the door and noticed I've been crying because of my puffy eyes.

"Come in." he started

"So, what's wrong?" he asked looking at me

"A girl is sending my boyfriend nudes and they are meeting up places. I can't believe him!" I scoffed

"That's terrible. Did you confront him?" he questioned

"Yeah, he kept stuttering and not answering my questions. So I just left. I don't want to go back there!" I said crying

"Well, you can stay here tonight." he replied lifting up my chin to make eye contact with him

"I-I don't know about that." I said tripping over my words

"It's okay, it'll be fine." He reassured me

"Okay, and where is your bathroom? I really need to use it." I said getting up off the couch

He led me to the bathroom then walked away. I used the bathroom then took a look in the mirror. My eyes were really red and puffy. I also noticed I had a really bad headache. I looked through his cabinets in search for some medicine. I found a bottle without even thinking about it and took 4 pills. I walked out of the bathroom and he was in the bedroom watching tv. I cracked the door open a little bit trying not to seem too disrespectful. He noticed me.

"Oh, hey come in." he said lifting the covers on the other side of the bed motioning me to lay on the bed

"Uhhmmm.." Is all I could say because I had a feeling this wouldn't end well

I slowly walked to the bed and laid down. There was some space between us. He put his arm around my neck and pulled me closer. Causing me to tense up.

"I'll always be here if you need me." he whispered

I felt his chest on my shoulder and I just now realized he didn't have on a shirt.

"Uh, okay?" I said but sounding more of a question

He smiled and looked at my lips. I looked up at him and he kissed me passionately. He was making out with me before everything around me went black. I think it was the medicine.

I woke up the next day in his arms. The sun shun bright through the curtains. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, snapping myself into reality. I took a look around and noticed I didn't have clothes on and neither did he. Oh my god. What did we do?

"What happened!?" I shouted jumping out of bed and waking him up

"Love happened." he smirked and said with his sleepy voice while he rubbed his eyes stretching then sitting up

"What? Oh my god, I can't believe this. I need to go!" I said putting on my clothes and rushing out of his condo

Did I really just do that? With him? I was a virgin, I was waiting till me and James got married.

I'm only 17, I can't have a baby. I'm too young!

I rushed back down to our condo. I walked in and immediately walked to the couch and put my face in the pillow and screamed, trying to let all my anger out. How could I be so stupid to believe that Cole actually wanted to help me!?

I paced around the room again and tried to clear my mind. We used protection right? I can't do this. My life is crap.

I texted Cole right away.

Me: Did you use protection last night!?

Cole: Well...I forgot to

Me: What? How do you forget?

He didn't answer. I cried and walked to grab my keys. I walked out to my car and got in and drove off to the drug store to get a pregnancy test.

When I arrived I rushed to buy one. I got up to the cashier and handed it to him. He looked at me with a disgusted face since I was young. But I didn't care I brushed off his look and he handed me my stuff and I walked back to my car and drove back to the condo.

I ran in and ran to the bathroom. When I got done I put the stick on the bathroom counter. I put my hands to my head and pushed my hair back. A few minutes went by and I looked at the pregnancy test again.

It was positive.

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