the study pill

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(Y/N)'s POV

   as I walked out of my world studies class, my last period, I was going to the gymnasium to watch the play that was happening right after school. it was about zombies or whatever, so why not. while I was walking to the gym I was stopped by someone grabbing my arm. this would shock most people but no one ever talked to me so this really caught me off, guard.

I turned around to see who grabbed my arm. I looked up to see Jeramy Heere grabbing my arm he looked way different than he did at the beginning of the year.

"Hey, so I know that we don't talk that much but I was wondering if you would like this."

he held out a gey pill that almost resembled a wintergreen tic-tac.

"What is that?"

"It's a pill th-"

"Its a drug. You want to know if I want drugs."

"What, oh no it's not, it's just, um well, its a pill to help with studying."


"Well here, just take it. free of charge. consider it a gift."

He shoved the tic-tac thing into my pocket and went to ask other student wanted the so-called 'study pill'. So I continued when I got there I noticed that I was the first one there so I got the option of the best seat.


I mumbled under my breath

"Well, I suppose that you have no homework anymore. did you finish yet, (Y/N)?"

a voice boomed behind me it sounded familiar. I looked over my shoulder to see my science teacher.

"Ms.Osborn what a surprise."

"Is it really a surprise (Y/N)?"

"No miss."

"So did you finish your homework."

"No miss."

"You have to finish it if you want to pass (Y/N)."

"I know."

"Then why are you still standing here? Scram."

she shooed me away with a shooing hand motion. I walked back home before the play even started. the sun was setting and it was the most beautiful site. its like it got more and more beautiful every time I saw it. I walked inside the hose and no one was home like always. at this point, it was just a normal daily appearance but not really because there was no one there, for no one to be home. I strolled upstairs with all of my books, I walked over to my laptop on my desk, I sat down and got out my textbooks for science and math. my 2 weak points in school.

I was about to start to work on my science homework when I remembered the pill I was given by Jeramy. I held it in my hand and stared at it for what felt like forever. I placed the pill on my desk and went downstairs to get water or something to get the pill in my system. I went downstairs to get a glass of water but once I got into the kitchen to see no clean cup and I really didn't feel like doing the dishes and I really needed to start my work as fast as I could.

'Hopefully, this pill has caffeine.'

that thought was the only thought that went through my head as I tried to find a clean cup to use.

'maybe we have plastic water bottles in the fridge.'

I went to the fridge to see if we had any form of water there. when I looked in there I saw no liquid but Mt. Dew.

'well soda could work right?'

I absolutely loath Mt. Dew but oh well, its the only liquid in the house. I went back upstairs and over to my desk where the pill still laid. I took the pill in my hand and threw it in my mouth and took a drink of the Mt. Dew. it tasted terrible but I didn't care at this point just as long as it got in my system. Right?


Hey, so I'm writing this chapter after I published right-hand man on my hamilton fanfic so yeah. I know I could be working on that story right now but I just don't feel like it right now but ill try to finish this book while visiting family. so you know I don't have to spend time with family. I am in a car right now on the bumpy roads of Colorado so I feel really sick. fun! okay bye now.

741 words

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