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(Y/N)'s POV

"Hello." I put my hand in Jeremy's and shook it. apparently, SQUIP didn't like it because right as I did that be whispered in my ear.

"Hey, I think you need to drink more Solar Flare it's wearing off."

I took my hand out of Jeremy's and got out of my chair.

"I'll see what I can do."

and with that, I was off and on my way to my locker. on my way there I had some time to think. sadly it wasn't much of thinking more of having Voices telling me I'm worthless.

'Do you know the real reason he sent you off.'

"Yeah, he needed me to get more soda so people could see him."

'No. Gullible, he is trying to get rid of you.'

"Yeah would he do that?"

'just look at you. anyone would be happy to get rid of you.'

"That's not true."

'Yes, it is! Just look at how happy your parents."

I was quiet. I was tired of arguing with myself.

'we're quiet because you know I'm right.'

I got to my locker and drank the rest of the fizzy liquid. I walked back down to the cafeteria and sat in the same spot as before.

"There better."

he nodded his head. 

"Oh man! I forgot my lunch money."

I turn my attention to Chloe.

'give her your food besides, you could stand to lose a couple pounds.'

I didn't want to listen to the voice but I did it anyway.

"Oh. Well, you can have mine."

'what are you doing. you didn't eat at all today.'

'don't worry SQUIP, I'm honestly fine with it.'

"Are you sure?"


"Yeah, I'm not that hungry anyway."

SQUIP kicked me in the shin under the table as I handed the Apple to Chloe.


"No problem."

the others continued to have a conversation as I talked to SQUIP in my head while looking engaged in the conversation with the others.

'What was that for?'

'Oh, I'm sorry would you prefer this instead.'

'Prefer wh-'

I got a strong electrical shock in the back of my neck. stronger then what I got in Gym class.


I jumped out of my seat and now everyone was looking at me as I had a hand on my neck.

"Uh, (Y/N) are you okay?"

Michael asked as I sat back down and SQUIP was snickering. I kicked him in the shin too.

"Yeah, just a headache."

"Oh, That sucks."

"Yeah but oh well."

a while passed and SQUIP was still laughing at me. 

"(S/N) could we talk outside for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure."

Chloe walked past me and whispered in my ear.

"I'm going to tell him."

I nodded and they were on their way outside.

"What did she tell you?"

"It's not important, why are you jealous."


he slouched into his chair. I started to think if I did that what would happen to me. 


"What's wrong Jarry."

jeremy shot Micheal a death glare as Rich fell asleep a long time ago.

"I think he's back."


I asked with a bit of curiosity in my voice. Just then I remembered Chloe and SQUIP or (S/N).

'Say 'Yes''

I a little shock in my neck. it didn't hurt that bad.


"Wait is it that Gray pill tic tac thing you gave me?"

"that's why you look so familiar. Please don't tell me you took the pill."

he said it like he was hoping I didn't. I wanted to please him with my answer and put him at ease but I didn't know how. 

"No. I'm not one for drugs."

after I said that Chloe came in with (S/N) but something was different. they came in with her clinging onto his arm. for some reason I felt my heart break at that moment.

"Guys guess what?"

I looked at Chloe like I was fine as she said that. after a while of no one answering, she finally spoke.

"Me and (S/N) are dating!"

she squealed as they sat down in their seats and her snuggling with him.

"Oh, get a room."

Chloe sat up in her own seat.

'Can you deactivate my tear ducts please.'


'I'm just so happy and I don't want to cry in front of so many people.'


"Tear ducts deactivate,"

he said it under his breath so no one could hear.


685 words 

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