The Mall

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(Y/N)'s POV


"No, I don't! I couldn't give two sh!ts about the cheesy stuff."

I got an electrical shock in my spine.

"OW! What was that?"

"Well, whenever you lie, slouch, cus, or disobey me you get a shock. In this case, you both lied and cussed."

After the long class period, and a lot more boring classes, it was finally over and it was time for lunch. I went to my locker and put my stuff in it and grabbed an apple aka my lunch. I slid my back on the locker and sat there with my thoughts. SQUIP ended up following my actions soon after.

"You know that if you want what you want you to have to put yourself out there, right?"

"Well, no one will notice me anyway. even if I did do something spectacular no one will notice."

"Youll never know if you don't try."

"See I do know. when any teacher calls out my name for attendance I say, 'Here' but they always mark me absent."

"How do you know?"

"The school consistently sends letters and emails to my parents,"

"Who are your parents?"

he interrupted me

"Henry and Jamie. why?"

"Where are they?"

"Japan. Why?"

"No reason, I just wanted to know."

the rest of the day went like every other day where I was ignored and not listened to. After school, we went to the mall but before I went in SQUIP made me go to a nearby 7/11 and get a solar flare so he could one pay and two tell me what is good and what is bad. the only problem about getting the drink was the fact that the cashier didn't see me so I just put the money for the drink on the counter and left.

I started drinking the disgusting drink while we were walking to the mall. once we got there everyone was able to see SQUIP and stared in awe. As we were walking deeper into the mall I looked up at my SQUIP who had a worried look on his face.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Just stay close."

I did as told and stayed close as we made our way through the mall. first, he took me to the hairdresser where he had me get highlights/darker shades in my hair. after that, we went into Sephora where he had gone ahead of me and into the wave of people where I was taken to a whole new location in the mall.

I tried to find a map of the mall to find a Sephora where SQUIP was. long story short I got lost. I was now near the entrance so I knew I was in the wrong spot. it doesn't help that while we were walking around the mall I wasn't paying attention. while I was walking around I felt hands around my wrist, I thought it was SQUIP but I was soon to be mistaken. I saw a group of men they looked almost drunk. I tried to pull my hand away but they wouldn't let go.

"Why is someone as pretty as you alone?"

his words were a bit slurred a bit and sent shivers down my spine. I tried pulling harder but all I got was a slap from the man that had spoken. I tried screaming but instead of help, I got a hand put over my mouth to muffle the screams and pinned against the wall. acting quick I bit his hand.

"OW! you little brat!"

he rose his arm and I closed my eyes ready for impact but it never came. I opened my eyes to see SQUIP holding the man's arm in mid-air.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

627 words

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