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(Y/N)'s POV

after class, I went to all of my other classes which went the same way. sadly he didn't have most of his classes just P.1 and P.2 together, but the upside is that he had all of his classes with Chloe. I was on my way to my locker to grab my apple when Chloe started talking to me at my locker.

"Hey (N/Y/C), could you go to the cafeteria to were Jeremy is sitting, and make sure to save some spots for me and (Y/N)."

and with that, he walked off. I opened my locker grabbed my lunch and me and Chloe were on our way to lunch.

"So, how did you and (N/Y/C) meet?"

"It really isn't that special of a story."

I paused


she looked at me,

"Do you like him?"

I said it with my nose stuck up in the air as we walked down the stairs.

"Um, what do you mean."

"Oh come on, I know you like him."

"Please don't tell him."

hearing that she liked him made my heart break but I didn't know why. she apparently noticed my change in mood but she ignored it.

"I won't,"

"Thank you soo much."

"If you tell him."


"What? He's going to find out sooner or later. Besides, I think he likes you too."

once I said that we were at the cafeteria and I walked over the table where SQUIP, Jeremy, Michael, Rich, Brooke, and Jenna were. I sat in between SQUIP and Rich while Chloe sat in between SQUIP and Michael.

Jeremy's POV

I was in World studies talking to Rich when Chloe walked over to us with a guy following behind her.

"Hey guys, I want to introduce you to (S/N)."

He looked familiar but I didn't think too much about it.

"It's nice to meet you (S/N), I'm Jeremy."

I put out my hand and he took it and shook it. once I felt his skin I knew the touch, it felt as if it wasn't real.

"It's nice to meet you, Jeremy."

as the class went on he sat on the other side of the table. I kept looking at him seeing him take notes. most people would say that this was creepy but there was just something off about him. I studied him and his movements and the pencil he had held glid across the paper. I looked at his hand and saw something that resembled a blue circuit.

at this point, I knew what made him seem so familiar. he was a SQUIP. well, I don't know for sure but it's just a guess. after a couple more classes it was time for lunch. I was sitting with Michael, Rich. that is 'till that (S/N) guy came over.

"Hey, Michael, Rich, Jeremy."

"Suck it,"

I mumbled with venom in my voice. he looked at me confused but didn't ask anything of it. Chloe came into the cafeteria with a girl that seemed strange but looked familiar. Chloe sat at one side of (S/N) and the girl on the other side. 

"Jeremy, this is (Y/N)."


I stuck out my hand and she took it. our contact was interrupted be (S/N) whispering something in her ear. I couldn't hear it but I wouldn't want to know what he said in fear that it was another plan on how to take over the school. (Y/N) turned her head to him.

"I'll see what I could do,"

she said it in the most soothing voice I had ever heard. she got up and left the room. she came back with nothing in her hands and sat down.

"There better."

he nodded his head.

"Oh man! I forgot my lunch money."

"Oh. Well, you can have mine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry anyway."


"No problem."

(Y/N) handed her lunch, apple, to Chloe. after that, we just had a normal conversation. but my mind kept on thinking about (S/N).

there was something off about him and I was going to find out.

653 words

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