What Does It Dew?

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Why didn't you talk during attendance?"

we were walking out of class and (S/N) had his arm around Chloe's waist.

"I just didn't want to say anything."

I mean it's not like they would have noticed if I was gone or not. we were on our way to the Gym, it was quite the rest of the way there. once we got there (S/N) and Chloe split there ways. Chloe going to the Girls locker room with me while (S/N) made his way to the Boys.

I went to my locker, 135, and put in the combination, 01-27-11, and took out my gym clothes. I quickly went into a bathroom stall and started to change.

 I quickly went into a bathroom stall and started to change

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I walked out of the stall and put my stuff in my locker. I grabbed the Mt. Dew I had bought yesterday. now that I think about it SQUIP didn't want to tell me what it did. I took a swing hoping it didn't do anything too bad.

I put the drink back into the locker and ran out to the gym. once I got outside I saw (S/N) leaning against the wall with one leg behind him. he opened his eyes to see me and his once peaceful expression turned into a mad one real quick.

"I need to talk to you."


shortly after I said that Chloe came out.

"Hey Chlo, me and (Y/N) are going to talk in privet."


she gave a closed eye smile and trotted off into the gym. (S/N) started to get closer to me as I was baking up until my back was pressed up against the wall.

"Why did you drink it,"

he said it so sternly it was scary in a way. I looked down to the ground.

"Well, I was just going to drink it till-"

"Do you know what that does to me."

he started raising his voice.


his face was now closer to mine I felt his breath on my face. the next thing I knew his lips were on mine. he pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes. and said,

"To put it in terms you would understand, it makes me horny."

he then walked into the gym leaving me an embarrassing mess. I soon made my way to the gym too.

433 words

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