A new life pt.2

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So, this was all a joke at first but now that I see a good 4-6 people reading, which is a lot more than expected, I was just like "Hey I should probably try to write good stuff and not just give you trash", but i dont think that that is gonna happen any time soon. any way enjoy the story.


(Y/N)'s POV

I looked over to where she was pointing and saw that she was pointing to SQUIP, who by the way was looking around at all the sea of kids. he looked lost and out of place.

"Could you stay here for a second."

it was less of a question more of a statement. I briskly maneuvered my way through the sea and over to him. as I was on my way to him Chloe yelled something that instantly made me red.

"Go get some, Honey!"

I sped up my pace to get to him faster and to avoid any weird looks. I had to stand on my tip toes to reach his shoulders and tap it to get his attention. he turned towards me and looked down to look into my eyes.

"God, your so small I almost didn't see you."

"Oh shut up,"

I said as I punched him in the arm.

"I would,"

he paused and started walking.

"If you grew a couple inches."

I got so mad I was red at this point and I'm pretty sure my temperature was about 167°C. I walked angrily in front of him took his hand and dragged him over to Chloe. before we could get to her I stopped turned on my heel and looked him straight in his eyes. but I couldn't look him in the eyes for that long because my heart would stop. 

"What is your name?"

"(S/N) (Name of SQUIP)"


I continued on my way over to Chloe and introduced her to SQUIP, or (S/N).

"Chloe this is (S/N), and (S/N) this is Chloe."

Chloe was a blushing mess and I took notice very quickly that she liked him. (S/N) stuck out his hand for her to shake and she did.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"No, really the pleasure is all mine."

"Oh, I just remembered I left something in my locker that I have to get,"

I mumbled,

"How about you 2 get to class and ill meet up with you, k?"

I walked away from them and went to my locker. I didn't need anything I just wanted to give them some alone time. once the minute bell rung I ran straight to class, of course, I was late but I didn't think too much about it because it wasn't like anyone took notice before. I opened the door to see a lot of heads turn; I was confused it wasn't like SQUIP was next to me or anything.

"And who might you be?"

"(Y-Y/N) ma'am."

"About time you came to school. now ta-"

"Um, sorry to interrupt you ma'am but I've been going to this school for 2 years now."

"Yes you have, but not once did you bother coming to school. Now tak-"

"No, I mean I've been here every day since the beginning of the year. and not once did anyone notice. not even you."

"Did you ever bother to raise your hand during roll call,"

she said sternly.

"Yes, many times. I even yelled, Here, at the top of my lungs doing it last week. But you still marked me absent."

"I may be old but I'm not deaf. Now take a seat, now!"

I walked to the back of the classroom and sat down in my seat, as the teacher started the lesson. 

'Well this is my new life  now'

568 words 

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