we meet again

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(Y/N)'s POV


this time when I woke up (S/N) wasn't there.

"He must be at school already."

I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I went to my closet and picked out n outfit.

I washed my face and went downstairs to see (S/N) on the couch

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I washed my face and went downstairs to see (S/N) on the couch. I go to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water I put it in my bag.

"Ready to go."


I smile as I say that. we walk out of the house and to school because I never got the chance to sign for a parking spot. it was silent till I started making small talk. let's just agree that it was a bad idea.

"So how was your first day?"

"It was fine. I can't say it was great, but it was okay."

"What was your favorite part?"

"Um, that scene you made it the cafeteria."

"Hey! Anyone would do that if you electrocuted them!"

I turned around to see him in his normal blue self. I cocked my head to the side. confused.


I then remembered that I didn't drink the soda. we were a good .25 mile away from my house. I did a heavy sigh as I walk back to the house.

"I forgot."

he looked confused but then remembered. he followed me back to the house. it was a quiet walk back, probably because I was stupid enough to forget to kill my insides once again. I got to the front porch and opened the door. but the door wouldn't open.

I was confused, to say the least, because I never lock the door. I walked to the back of the house, hopped over the fence, and walked my way to the back door. I turned the knob and it opened. I looked inside and saw 2 people they looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

they looked in our direction but only took notice to (S/N). I looked at him confused while he just laughed at me. they ran over to him and started asking him a bunch of questions.

"Where is she?"

"Aren't you supposed to be with her."

"What did you do to her!?"

the last one was from the guy. I finally knew who they were. 

they were my parents, and they were concerned about me. and they never took notice to me. just like everyone else they didn't know my existence. my eyes started welling up with tears while I saw them not even see me.

 as tears streamed down my cheeks I went to the fridge put a couple of bottles of Solar Flare in my bag.

I went over to were they were and walked past (S/N) and my parents and out the door. I kept asking the same question to myself over and over again. Why could they see him but not their own child?

it didn't take long for (S/N) to catch up with me. it was a quiet walk to school. no one bothered to say anything. I drank the entire bottle and went inside. I was quite the entire time getting to class. I didn't bother going to my locker. I went to math and sat down in my chair. once the late bell rung the teacher started with attendance.






it was silent


Rich shot up from his seat

"Oh, uh here?"




I was silent I didn't want to answer. I didn't want to be here. I saw that in the corner of my eye (S/N) looked at me. I knew that even if I did say here or raise my hand she wouldn't notice me.

"Huh? And you said 'Here' at the top of your lungs 2 weeks ago?"

she looked at me and wrote something on her paper. I wasn't paying attention to the class. what was the point anyway?

675 words

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