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Me, not to be mean but I don't trust anyone
anyone can hurt you at any given time.
and they will never have any remorse.

I have an attitude that'll need a lot of work.
not to be mean but that's just what you said.

Sadly, I agree with you
not the best thing but it's just me being

Truthfully honest
you know that thing I can't seem to find in anyone.

Anyone who says that they love you
they don't mean it
I mean, how can they mean it
one day they'll say that
the next they take it away by
making out with your best friend,

Karen, your friend of 3 years
your friend that knows you like him
your only friend that knows you like him
see I'm not using the word, love, because
Love doesn't

and it never will

(Y/N)'s POV


that ringing made me jump right out of my skin. it was quiet in that room until that bell went off. I mean like there was one good thing to come out of it was that I was signaling the end of the school day.

I quickly stuffed the new poem in my folder and flowed out the door along with other students, who were very excited to get out of this hell hole.

( )

I went through the hallways in the direction of my locker to get my stuff and I see Chloe leaning up against her locker hugging her knees. probably crying. I went to my locker and put in my combination.

I think I took her a while for her to notice that I was there because as I was about to walk away she grabbed my ankle. I looked down at her with a confused look. I heard her mumble something but I couldn't hear what she had said.

I kneeled down to where I could hear her better.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hear you,"

I said it in the nicest voice I could pull off at the moment. well, apparently it wasn't nice enough because she intently snapped. her head flung up, her hair was in front of her face, her cheeks were tear-stained, and her eyes were red and puffy.

"Are you happy now!"

"What do you mean."

"Oh, don't play that with me! You wanted this to happen didn't you!"

"I'm not trying to play anything. I honestly don't know what you're talking about."

"You just love seeing me miserable don't you!"

"What? No, I do"

"Shutup! I hate you! I F*CKING HATE YOU!"

at this point, I had tears in my eyes and her hand wasn't around my ankle anymore. I quickly got up and ran. I was never someone to handle being yelled at that well. I don't really know why though, its probably the fear of failing. I ran down the stairs to see (S/N) at the bottom. I ran up to him and hugged him. he was a little startled at first but soon gave into the hug.

I let go of him and we went outside and started walking home. I almost forgot about what had happened that morning. We were on the street my house was on when I asked him.

"How were they able to see you."

he was silent for a bit.

"Look (Y/N), there is something I need to tell you."

"Um, okay? Shoot."

I put up finger guns as I said'shoot'.

"Your parents are the creators of SQUIPs"


WOW! so did you like that plot twist though? I had it planned from the start. ok well, this story is coming to its end too soon just like Philip's life. can we all have a moment of silence to remember those who gave their lives to protect their fathers already dead legacy. *Silence* Okay thank you all for being so respectful. Okay, now time for the sh!t you all want to know. my uploading schedule. and all I have to say is that, I'm sorry it is like cr@p right now, but that's only because soccer season is coming up for girls and I want to get in on some of dat action. so yee.

726 words

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