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(Y/N)'s POV

I run as fast as my legs can take me up to my room. all of the information about what Jeremy's  SQUIP did to the school that night. I remember what they told me at lunch about a week ago I think.


 Chloe and I were walking down to lunch, down the stairs. I and my fast self was going down fast when I felt as if I was going to fall.

I'm clumsy now don't get me wrong I'm not just going to fall every time I stumble, but there is a high chance. but I'm not clumsy enough to break an 8 million Yen vase and forced to join a club, lie about my sex, and fake flirt with a bunch of girls just to pay it off.

anyway, in this moment of me just being me I fell and landed on my left foot. all because me stupid SQUIP told me to get a new pair. it hurt like hell but I stayed cool. I think I don't know if shouting,

"¡MALDITA SEA! Estoy en tanto dolor!!!!!"

at the top of my lungs is over exaggerating but you get the point that it hurt a lot. but hey, if nobody noticed me before they sure did now. anyway, after that I limped to the caféteriea. 

"I have one question for you Chloe."

"Sure, What is it?"

"Why did you tell me to forgive Jeremey? Like, I really don't know what he did."

"Oh! Well, basically he had this thing called a SQUIP which is a Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor, there're evil. They tried to take over the school, but based on the fact you didn't know that I would assume that you didn't get SQUIPed."

she playfully hit my arm as we entered the school caféteria. 


I'm now sitting on my bed. I hear mumbles downstairs. it's unauioable right now but if I open my door ill be able to hear it. I don't want to do that right now because I have more important things to do like crying on my bed alone with a potential murder inside my head. 

I start to think about how other kids must have felt when they thought badly of themselves. 

"I'm not evil, right? I'm not."

I laugh at myself for just considering it. then Jeremy comes into my head and what he did that lunch.


we walked into the Cafétirea and sat in the places we normally sit. it seemed normal.  until Jeremy talked that's when it changed. yes, he usually talked during lunch we all did, but this time he was talking to me. he never does that.

"Hey, uh, (Y/N),  could I possibly talk to out in the hall?"



"Uhh, Okay."

I flashed a quick smile before I got up and walked out with Jeremy. once in the hall is when I noticed that Jeremy had a bottle of Mt.Dew. 

'Maybe he likes it?'

"What are you talking about (Y/N)?"

(S/N) replied. I forgot that he could listen to my thoughts. 

"Jeremy. He has Mt.Dew. I've never seen the flavor though."

"(Y/N) what color is it?"

he sounded a bit alarmed which was unusual for him. before I had the chance to answer him, he opened the bottle of the disgusting fizzy substance, pinned me between the wall and tried to force me to drink it.

of course, I didn't drink it because it is disgusting. but I wasn't as calm as you might think. in my head, I was questioning as to why the living hell he shoved a bottle in my mouth. WITHOUT MY BLOODY CONSENT!!! 

"(Y/N) WHaT COL0R i$ IT!!!"

I stood there frozen.


I'm still was frozen I'm just confused. I'm not letting it go into my body so it's just sitting in my mouth. I felt a shock in my spine. then I remembered that if I don't listen to him than I get shocked so I answered.


not so long after that, I heard a loud bang behind Jeremy. I looked a saw (S/N).


I started crying even more. did people really not want me to be happy? that's when I heard it. a sound that changed everything. a knock on my door. it might not sound like much but it made me happy. 

it showed that someone actually cared. I walked over and opened it to reveal (S/N). he looked down at me. and in the blink of an eye, his lips were on mine. I would've panicked but this time it was different, I wanted this for a long time. 


SOOOOOOOO this is the end. sorry for not answering your questions in the story so let me answer as many as I can in here, okay? k. so you are a SQUIP that is why people couldn't see you be for you drank solar flare because it has the same effect on you that it does on any other SQUIP. next, you were released because you had feelings. so yeah don't have feelings and you won't die. now the reason you still have most abilities SQUIPs have is that you still remember the ceremony. anyway, that is that, and (Y/N) and (S/N) lived happily ever after.

890 words

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