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(Y/N)'s POV


I got into bed after I changed into an oversized Lakers shirt and black short shorts. I slumped into bed hoping for a peaceful dream.


            I was walking but I wasn't. I was cuffed and a person on each side of me. we were going around a crowd of people to what appeared to be the front. it was a dock. 'why are these people looking at the dock'. I looked around and none of them looked familiar.

             I was still walking but I didn't know why. I was pushed onto the docks. I tried to stop the fall with my hands but I couldn't because my hands were cuffed behind my back.

             It took a lot of effort to do this but I ended up getting up to my feet. I looked in front of me to see that everyone was looking at me. but why? I then took notice that there was someone at a podium. he was looking at me then he looked back at the crowd of people.

"We are gathered here today to see the sacrifice ceremony of number W.P.1.0.6!"

'he looked at me when he said those numbers and letters, why?'

"It is a failure, a mistake, and quite frankly worthless! It broke so many rules just on Its first client; just for us to see that it was worthless! It is a worthless piece of junk not worth the time. it will die here and,"

I stopped listening to him. instead, I looked around, I looked in the front row and saw someone familiar. it was (S/N). I didn't think about it I just screamed. I wanted him to help I didn't want to leave him. I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life.


I looked at him the entire time I was screaming. the people that were behind me before, came back and hit me with a wooden like a pole in the gut. I fell but I wasn't down for long because they picked me up by the back part of the collar of my shirt, and put me at the edge of the dock. I looked down at my reflection, but the only problem was that it wasn't my reflection.

"Are you ready for the sacrifice to begin!"

the crowd started yelling and screaming. I looked at (S/N)  with sad eyes.

"Just remember you did this to your self."

they threw me into the lake. Well tried. did they really think that I was going down without a fight, if so they were wrong. I tried to bite him so I could stay on the dock, so I won't die. I ended up with a piece of cloth in my mouth.

the same piece of cloth I woke up next to the night I woke up in this house. the earliest memory that I have. they gave me one last shove, and with that, I was gone, (S/N) was the last sight I had before I was thrown into the lake.

I woke up in my room I was sweating and I was breathing heavy.

"Had a good dream?"

I looked at the end of my bed to see SQUIP.

"it almost felt real."

"What was it about?"

I started to tear up.

"Can you deactivate Tear duct?"

"It is already deactivated."

I started to cry. I hugged my knees as tears streamed down my cheeks. (S/N) moved closer and rubbed my back.

"Who was W.P.1.0.6?"

"Why would you want to know?"

"I just want to."

"Okay, well W.P.1.0.6 was a failed SQUIP."

"Was he a mistake, a failure, worthless?"

I managed to choke out through all the tears and whimpers.

"That was the way he was described, why?"

"Why did you choose the name (S/N)?"

"She yelled that name the day she was sacrificed. I think she was looking at me when she said it."

"She was."

"Why? Why are you asking this."

"Why didn't you help me?"


"When I died. Why didn't you help me?"

"(Y/N) you never died."

"Just forget about it. I was just being stupid. I'm just thinking too much about this."

It was silent before he finally spoke.

"Okay well good night, (Y/N)"

"Good night."

I went under the covers and before I went to sleep I felt something I will never forget. (S/N) kissed my forehead and whispered something in my ear but I couldn't hear it.

I wonder what?

755 words

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