their back

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(Y/N)'s POV

Once I saw SQUIP  my spirits lifted. After that, they got into a fight. long story short SQUIP through them into a wall and almost killed them. he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the car. he threw me in the driver's seat.

"What were you thinking?!"

"It wasn't my fault."

I muttered

"I gave you one job! 1 job, and you didn't even do it right!"

"I tried."

"Not hard enough!"

he sighed

"I'm going to go back into the mall to get your make up, and you will stay right here. you think you could do that?"

I just nodded my head as he left me in the car with only my thoughts.

"it wasn't even my fault."

'yes it was'

this voice wasn't SQUIP's it was someone else.

"Great the voices are back."

'i know you missed us.'

"no, I didn't I'm just as fine without you."

'no you replaced us.'

"I was tricked"

'Yeah, you're weak enough to get tricked.'

"I'm not weak. I can get through without you."

'No you cant! we're the only friends you will ever have.'

"no i-i"

'you think this is going to change anything. cause it's not.'

I started tearing up

"it will. h-he promised."

'he is just using you. like everyone else.'

"no, he's not!"

'that's probably why your parents left.'

"no that's not why!"

'then why?'

"they said it was for business."

'their lying.'

"no, they wouldn't"

'Oh my god! you're so gullible.'

at this point, there were tears streaming down my face.

'see you weak.'

I shook my head on the steering wheel. 

"No, he isn't using me. he can't be."

I repeated to myself over and over again to calm me down. by the time SQUIP came back, I had stopped crying but my face was still puffy and my eyes were still red. if SQUIP did notice he didn't ask me why. once we got home I went inside while SQUIP was following close behind. while I was walking he stopped in front of a picture of my parents. once I got in my room I went straight to bed.


I woke up to my alarm clock. I smacked it and got up. I put on the new clothes I got yesterday. SQUIP was at my desk as I walked out of my room to wash my face, brush my teeth, then put on makeup. 

(That's your makeup, and no I didn't look up James Charles I looked up subtle makeup looks lol)

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(That's your makeup, and no I didn't look up James Charles I looked up subtle makeup looks lol)

I walked downstairs made toast and out the door. SQUIP was following me to school; it was silent until he spoke.

"Did I do something?"

I jumped at his sudden question that came out of nowhere


I mumbled loud enough for him to hear

"Then why have you been ignoring me?"

"It's nothing that concerns you."

"(Y/N) my job is to make your life ea-"

"Well, what if it doesn't make it easier!"

I turned around and interrupted him. he looked at me with a surprised look on his face. I turned around and continued walking.

"Where are your parents?"

"Japan. like I said."



"Why aren't you in any pictures with them?"

"I don't ever remember meeting them."

"Why, did something happen?"

"As far as I know I just woke up in my bed to a note on the kitchen counter that said.

 Hi honey,

  your father and I  are in Japan right now. we stoked the house with food so you should

be fine, and we left the instructions to your school in the fridge. 

- Love mom <3

that's all it said."

after that, there was no more talking. once we were in front of the school gates SQUIP stopped me and handed me a solar flare. I drank it before entering.

660 words

the after story SQUIP x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now