the SQUIP enters

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(Y/N)'s POV

I felt fine after taking the pill which is a good sign because that means I won't get sick while working on my very, very important studies. I sat down and started working on my science homework. once I was done with the homework I took a glance at my clock on my nightstand.

2:47 am

I sighed as I got up to change into night clothes which consisted of an oversized Lakers shirt and short jean shorts. I got under the covers after I set my alarm for 6:30 am.


I woke up the next day to my alarm going haywire. I swung my legs over my bedside, got up, and made my bed. like I do every day. I walked over to my closet and changed into a crop top sweater and black high waisted jeans. I left my room to the bathroom where I finished the rest of my routine which was, wash hands, brush hair, wash face, brush teeth, and style hair. today I did a (pick a hairstyle because I don't know if you have short or long hair so just pick one. I know its so hard but just this once). Once I was done I went to my room and put all of my textbooks inside of my backpack and pulled my phone off the charger and made my way to school. 

At around the halfway point, I started getting a headache so I stopped and sat on a nearby bench, besides I had some time to spare. plus if I was late no one would notice anyway. I turned off my music and took out my earbuds. it went from a seamless headache to and blood-curdling screeching sound in my ears. I put my hands over my ears just wishing for the sound to stop but it didn't in fact it got worse. now there was a man's voice booming in my ear.

"Target male inaccessible."

"What the hell! Stop! Just stop!"

"Calibration in process. Please excuse some mild discomfort."

'I sure will sir!'

I stated sarcastically.

"Calibration complete. Access procedure intended."

it stopped, it finally stopped. I mentally celebrated until the voice came back.

"Discomfort level may increase."

it just says it so calmly. well, of course, it would it's not the one dying in a public area.

"Accessing neural memory. accessing muscle memory. accessing processor memory. (F/N) (L/N) welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. Your SQUIP."

'well, that was a very heartwarming welcome its nice to meet you too, dick.'

"Huh, and attitude. I see. Well (Y/N), we have some work here."

"What you heard that?"

"Yes, in fact, I'm in your brain."

there was a pause

"Well, why don't you look at me."

"Wait, you are in my brain and a physical figure?"

"No, I'm a supercomputer and only you can see and hear me."

I finally had the guts to look up and see the figure that stood before me.

'God he's hot.'

once I realized what I just thought I started to panic

"No, that's not, I just, I, um see what I meant was that you look better than most of the boys here,"

I mumbled it under my breath so only he could hear

"I'm sure you did."

he did a closed eye smirk

"It is!"

I accidentally said that out loud.

'well, I'm going insane.'

"No your not. What would make you think that?"

I got off of the bench and continued my walk to school and this time without my music.

'you're really asking that?'

"Yes. in order to help you and improve your life I need to know why you think such things."

'okay well to answer your question, I think I'm going insane because there is a 'supercomputer' in my brain that only I can see and hear. it knows everything about me and knows exactly what I'm thinking at all times. that is why I think I'm going insane.'

"Well (Y/N) I can ensure you that you are not going insane. so I was wondering,"

'It was that pill wasn't it?'

"I'm sorry, what?"

'That wasn't a pill to help with studying was it?'

I stopped walking after I said that sentence.

"Well, I did come from a pill yes. who told you that it was a pill for studying?"

'Jeramy Heere. OH MY GOD! He drugged me. Didn't he?"

"Well no actually Heere had a SQUIP too. but he was corrupted and told him to give those pills to the whole student body. you were one of the lucky ones that got blessed with me."

he said it with a cocky tone in his voice.

'oh well.'

I continued walking not wanting to waste any more time.

"Well, after school we will go to the mall get you a new outfit. you will listen to me and do exactly as I say for the rest of the time you have me in your life."

'well can you tell me what you do. like what can I do to control what you do.'

"Um, well you could deactivate me at any given time by saying 'deactivate' and activate me at any given time by saying 'activate'. I lack human emotion but I have a little bit. Mt. Dew solar flare has the ability to make others around you to see me and hear me. Voltage well you don't want to know what voltage does but I doubt that you will ever need to know.

(All credit to the solar flare idea given to @WINDGALES because I don't drink Mt. Dew so I don't know the flavors. so go check them out their x reader fanfic on this is really good you should check out)

'Well, I'll never deactivate you.'

931 words

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