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I watched as (Y/N) 's face want from normal to confuse. she was frozen, stuck in her own skin, lost in thought, and after a while, she looked like as if she saw a ghost. tears were starting to brim her eyes before she ran into the house and into her room. 

Strolling along inside and saw that her parents are in the living room. I went over to them, and I sat by them.

"Why didn't you tell her sooner?"

I had my eyes closed and arms crossed over my chest. they stayed quiet.

"She's hurt you know."

"We know but how were we supposed to tell her."

the black haired male spoke. Jamie just sat there.

"I agree with you but she has been living her whole life as a lie."

"Not her whole life. Only 2 years."

"Yeah, I don't think she needs to know! its what's best for her."

"Jamie, it's not good for her and you know that."

"What would you know."

he didn't say it as a question, more of a statement. I wanted to tell him that I cared for (Y/N) deeply but I didn't want to be released. I just want to be with her.

"if you don't tell her now then it's going to be more difficult for you, and painful for her."

"We don't want her to know."

he was starting to raise his voice and I was getting more and more aggravated. I rose to my feet so I was now standing in front of them. 

"If you won't tell her I will."

the way I said it made it sound cold and stern while sounding calm at the same time. I turned on my heel and made my way up the stairs. one foot after the other I slowly made my way up the red wooden staircase.

my hand gliding on the stair rail as I was preparing for what felt like something I would never do. I was going to tell her. once I made my arrival to the top of the sleek and shiny wooden steps, I balled my hands into a fist.

'It's now or never'

I thought to myself. she could only believe her life for so long. and it was getting to the point where she wouldn't be able to believe me anymore. I had to tell her. tell her everything. I walked down the hall to her room.

I stopped in front of her door and slowly raised my hand. slowly raised my balled up fist.

I had to tell her

I had to tell her everything

I had to tell her what her parents did.

I had to tell her how I felt

I had to tell her what she is

I had to tell her what she did

I had to tell her

I had to 

I just, 

have to

I knock on the door and hear shuffling across the floor. i know it's her. I hear the door unlock and the knob turn.

'it's now or never, there's no going back.'

I tell myself as the sound of the hinges squeaking through the hallways signifying that the door was opening.

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