what (Y/N) wants

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(Y/N)it's POV

we had continued but it was just silent. no cocky comments. nothing, just silence. when we got to school I was late but I didn't care because no one ever even noticed if I was gone or not so I just went to my locker like normal. I put my bag on the hook and grabbed my textbooks out of my bag. 

I closed my locker and continued towards class. math was first. I walked into my math class and no one looked at my direction of course. I sat in the back of the classroom and took notes on what the teacher was writing on the board. 

once the bell rung it was off to gym class for the next hour. I walked down the stairs and to the girl's locker room. SQUIP was still following me around almost like a lost dog.

"Don't compare me to a dog. I am supposed to follow you, I'm here to help you. and by the looks of it, you need a lot of it."

'What? No, I don't.'

"Yes, you do. from what I've been seeing you are a nobody in this high school spectrum."

'True, but why wouldn't I be? I have a small number of friends.'

"No, you have no friends"

'Well, I like to believe I have some friends.'

"Like who?"

'Um, that kid that gave me that pill.'

"And how many times have you guys talked?"


"That's what I thought."

I continued to walk into the girl's locker room. I went to my locker and took out my gym clothes. I went into a stall and changed. The SQUIP is still there.



'what are you doing? go you pervert.'

"(Y/N) I'm in your brain I know what you look like naked."

'So you've been looking at me naked! Petifile.'

"Oh my god, no. again you can deactivate me."

'no. no matter what ill never do that.'


'cause, your good  company.'

he looked to the side like he was trying to hide his face.

"Just change you'll be late."

'not like it would matter though.'

I continued to change but I made him stay outside of the stall. I walked out and into the gym where no one was but a couple of girls, all the boys, and the teacher. there were a lot of girls in the locker room because they were putting on make up you know that thing I don't have time to learn how to put on my face without taking out my eye.

"Too bad, you will learn."

'what no. I don't want to.'

"Again too bad. if you want to be cooler than you will have to earn how to wear makeup."

'Okay well I don't want to be cool, you want me to be cool.'

"Yes because you need to be cool in order to get what you want."

'And what is that?'

489 words

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