Chapter 3

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Yoongi Pov.

I walked out of Mel's room and closed the door behind me. Walking towards my door, I saw Jungkook leaning on the wall giving me a 'look'. I signed and gave him a eye roll as I tried to walk past him but stopped when he spoke up.

"Hyung you like her don't you?" I stood still and silent.

"Maybe. I have a weird feeling towards her. That's all." He raised his brows.

"Okay. But just warning you she causes trouble that I can't even stop." I nodded and walked towards my room. With my hand on the knob, I asked Jungkook to come in. He nodded his head.

Mel Pov.

I was trying to fall asleep until I heard Yoongi and Jungkook talk in the room next door. I leaned my head closer to hear what's going on in the other side of the wall. I heard Jungkook speaking ti yoongi as he left my room.

"What are you doing?" I jumped off my bed and faced my head to the annoying voice who decided to interrupt my thoughts.

 "What is it Jin? Why are you here?"
He turned on the lights and It felt like my eyes were burning for a few seconds, then I notice Jin making his way to the bed and sat down.

 "Your door was unlocked. I went to check in with Yoongi and make sure he ate and all but I saw you trying to listen to their conversation." I gave him a death stare.

"What if they're talking about me? Jungkook told you guys about me a lot. I could tell you know!" I pointed out. It was fair to know if the two guys are talking about me, like what if it's something bad?

"You're right about that. Jungkook would tell us stories about you back then and stopped when he ran out."

"Jin-" He cut me off.

 "Call me Jin Oppa. It sounds better." I never called anybody 'Oppa'. I'm four years older than Jungkook and I have no friends at all.

" lOkay but if I don't call you ' Jin Oppa' It's probably because I forgot." He just nodded his head.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I asked with curiosity.

"You." That was a fast response.


"Let's go eat. It's almost midnight and we should have a late night snack. What about...Ice cream? You need to gain weight. Too skinny!" I declined the offer and went back to sleep.


I jolted out of bed. Again. And saw Jin holding pints of ice cream in his hands while smiling at me.

"Good, you're awake. I went out to buy ice cream while you were sleeping. I hope you like Vanilla, Strawberry, Oreo, Chocolate, Cheesecake, Caramel, Birthday cake, Green tea, Mint chocolate chip, Rocky road, Superman, Butter Pecan, Raspberry ripple, Tutti frutti, and Cookie dough. If you don't like any of these. There's more in the fridge."

" How much did you-"

"30." I was in awe. I was guessing Jin Oppa is the foodie in the household.

"Let's go. I set up the movie room for us to watch any show you want. But no English movies or shows. I don't know English." Jin said as he leads the way. I followed him while still in awe. We walked into the room and noticed the other guys there. Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, Ho-Seok, and Yoongi. Jin nudged me a bit to move other to the side. I sat between Yoongi and Jungkook. We watched a horror movie. 

Bad idea.

 I was scared most of the time. Not because of the movie but Ho-Seok screaming. Jungkook would hold on my arms a few times and I noticed that Yoongi never moved. I was barely paying attention to the movie. I was so tried to handle all of this so I closed my eyes a bit.


I woke up. To light spilling into my room. I noticed a little note with banana milk and an apple.

Good morning. I brought you into your room. You fell asleep during the movie. Here's your breakfast.

I looked at the time. one pm. I sighed. I got up and washed up and changed my clothes. I grabbed my breakfast and decided to take the bus to the entertainment building.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Hello? Mark? what is it this time?" I was waiting for the bus and my phone rang. I wasn't in the mood to be rude and I was in public so lucky him.

"Um, who's this? No cussing this time?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm really tired right now to be rude. I thought I was supposed to call you when I had an answer." 

"Yea about that. I just wanted to check up on you. In case you're dead or not." I hummed.

"Excuse me. Is anybody sitting there?" I looked up to see a beautiful woman. I shook my head and she sat next to me. She looked like the same age as me but a bit younger.

"Hello? You still there?"  I hanged up the phone as I noticed the bus coming. I got in and took a seat in the back.  The women followed me and took the seat next to me. I looked out the window, about to put in my earbuds but the lady next to me spoke up.

"Hello. I'm Jae Hwa." She brought her hand up. I shake her hand.

"My name is Mel." She smiled as I replied to her. It felt awkward being around her. Apparently, she was going to the same entertainment company as me and she as is a producer. I part my goodbyes to her and went to Yoongi studio. He told me that he would teach me how to write songs ' properly' and help me record them. 

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Jungkook-ah what's up?"

"Wanna go out for dinner?" I saw Taehyung walking out of Yoongi studio. He came closer to me and placed a palm on my shoulder.

"Good luck," Tae whispered to me. He left like that leaving me in an confused state. Then I remember that I was on the phone with Jungkook.

"Sure when?"

"I'll call you 30 minutes beforehand." I hummed.

"See you tonight then." I hung up the phone. I sighed as I remembered Taehyung earlier. What did he mean? Is he being scold by Yoongi, or is Yoongi not in the mood? Did he break up with his girlfriend? I titled my head as these thoughts swarm through my head. I shook it off and I walked up to his studio door and knocked.

"Leave" I heard the voice on the other end yell out. The voice seemed stretched out so I knocked again.

"I said leave Taehyung."I was about to knock once again until I heard glass shattered from the other side of the door. 

"YOONGI IT'S ME, MEL, OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR." The door unlocked. I rushed myself inside and saw a broken music box on the floor.
I saw Yoongi's eyes. They were filled with tears. 

"What happened?" I asked

"Just deal with it." Yoongi said as he walked out of his studio. I looked at the music box. There was a note underneath it. I picked it up with no hesitance and opened the letter. 

Yoongi-ah How are you? I hope you are doing better. It's Jae Hwa. I know we haven't been in contact but I'm moving back to Korea! I'm still sorry we can't be together like back then. But here's a little gift from me and my husband. It's the music box you gave me from our first date. I'll still remember you Yoongi-ah and you are still in my heart even if I moved on. Bye bye.

Love,  Jae Hwa

I looked back to the music box. Wow. Must have been painful.

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