Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sunlight entering the room. Then it hit me, I wasn't in my room. I was in the Yoongi's studio.

"You awake?" I looked to my side and saw Yoongi himself.

"Why are we here?" I asked while Yoongi took a seat next to me. 

"I got a phone call on the bus about my songs and that it needs to be done by next week. I brought you here so you can help me write them. For me, I can songs within a day but I need more inspiration." he explained to me.

"So you brought me here?" He just nodded his head. I gave him a-okay sign and sat in the chair and started organizing his desk. 

"what are you doing?"

 "Just setting up your workplace. It's easier if you are organized and clean." He chuckled.


"I'm so tired." I started complaining about how hungry I am and how tired I was. I jumped on the couch and snuggled against the blankets.

"We're almost done, Mel. Can you just do this for a few more hours?" I looked at him like he was crazy. Because he was.

 "Can we eat first? We didn't eat anything yet and It's  9 pm." I snuggled the blankets. 

"I'll order something." I nodded my head in agreement and excitement. Then Someone knocked on the door."Come in!" The door opened revealing Taehyung.

"Hey. I was looking for Mel an-"

 "I'm here" Taehyung looked towards my direction with a surprised look.

 "Were you all day Mel?" Taehyung asked me as he sat on the couch next to me.

 "I was with Yoongi the whole day working on songs. Why were you looking for me?"

"Jungkook wanted to go out for dinner. All of us. I texted Yoongi earlier asking him if he wanted to join. He said no"

"What about me? If you were looking for me you could have texted me." Tae shook his head.

"Your phone was off"

 "No, it's not it's right here-" I started searching for my phone but I couldn't find it. "Yoongi, do you know where's my-" Yoongi gets up from his chair and hands me my phone. "why do you have it?"

"Mel you left it on the bus. I forgot to give it back to you. It died." He smirked at Taehyung

"Are you guy's joining us for dinner," Taehyung asked as he stared at Yoongi. Yoongi grin just got bigger.

"No, we already ordered food and It's coming at any moment. Tell the guys Mel and I can't make it. We are still working on some songs."

"Okay then. I will leave you guys alone. Be home before midnight." Taehyung said in a slight depressing tone. I gave him a-okay sign as he makes his way out of the room. The food arrived. I ate the food like I haven't eaten anything for weeks.

"What is it?" I asked as I heard Yoongi chuckle

 "Nothing you just have food on  your face." I titled my head to the side. Yoongi grabs a napkin and wipes the corner of my mouth, Smiling. His gummy smile made me feel a hot rush in my body. He sat back and continued to eat his food. I smiled a bit. After finishing up our little dinner, we went back to songwriting. The album was called 'Love yourself' and Yoongi had to finish his solo song called Seesaw. He started it the morning when he woke up and now I'm helping him. The last thing we had to do is edit the final recording.

"Done." Yoongi started stretching his legs and arms in his chair. I giggled a bit. I looked at the time. An hour before midnight.

"Yoongi?" He hummed. 

"Do you think we should get back to the dorms. They others might worry." He just nodded his head and slowly closed his eyes. "Yoongi? Are you tired?" He nodded his head again. I signed. I texted the guys that Yoongi and I won't be at the dorms because Yoongi fell asleep. I sent them a picture to prove it. I placed my phone on the table and tried to carry Yoongi to the couch. Mission was completed but Yoongi got a hold of me and I couldn't move. I laid my back against the edge of the couch carefully and slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of laughter. I slowly opened my eyes to see Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jin.

 Jin was holding a bag of chips, Jimin and Hoseok were making kisses towards each other and Namjoon had his phone out taking pictures.

I tried to get up but something or someone was stopping me. My head was laying on Yoongi chest. Our legs are intertwined and Yoongi's arm is around my waist and one holding my head.

I blushed within seconds. I slowly grabbed my phone, which was laying on the desk, I had a hold of it and threw it towards the boys. With my 'great aim,' I knocked Namjoon's phone out of his hands.

"If you wanted us to leave you could have said so." I rolled my eyes.

 "Fine can you guys leave please." They nodded their heads and tried their best to hold in their laughter. Once I heard the door shut I laid my head back on Yoongi chest

"I know you want them to leave so you can cuddle with me longer," Yoongi stated. I looked up to see his face. He was wide awake.

"How long were you awake?" I asked. 

"And how long are we going to stay like this?"

"Ever since they came in. And I want to stay like this longer. Until I say so."
I hummed. My cheeks were burning but faced away from Yoongi.

"Mel, do you perhaps, in need of a boyfriend?"

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