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If you are confused about the story, here's what is supposed to happen or what has happened already.

I'm not a talented writer.

Mel life:

Mel is a 24-year-old girl. She just graduated from college and she paid off her debt by being a detective. She decided to continue the job, to earn herself money for the future. Her parents made a decision for her to move out of the house and go on with her life, so she moved in with Jungkook and his band members.

Jungkook is her childhood friend and  Mel helped Jungkook move to Seoul and help him achieve his dream. Mel wrote songs for Jungkook, to sing when they were kids and as Jungkook had trouble writing his own songs for  BTS albums, she texted him, or face time him to help in any way possible.

This lead to Mel writing songs and she wanted to learn more. Taehyung found out about this and he brought Mel to a studio. To meet Yoongi. The two spent time writing and composing songs for the album 'love yourself' and sooner or later the group went on tour after they released the songs. Bangtan decided to take Mel with them.

During this time Mel had a responsibility. She had to report Jae Hwa for stealing Money from the Tuan family. She worked hard but soon was caught by Jungkook and the others. Jungkook took over Mel's mission, but was caught by Yoongi. After there tour in New York, the company, who signed BTS as a band, had a dinner. The dinner was on the same day of Mel's brother birthday who died. Yoongi saw something was wrong and took Mel outside to talk. During their moment a man behind called out Yoongi. Yoongi told Mel to leave and join the boys and tell Jin the he had a problem. Mel ran away and told Jin what Yoongi said to her. 

Jin and Mel went to find Yoongi and he was destroying a group of guys, but Yoongi saw Mel and Jin standing off to the side, he was distracted. Soon or later a punch landed on his face. Mel rushed to his side but a guy from behind her tried to hit her but Yoongi turned Mel around and he got hit himself.

Yoongi went to the hospital and confessed to Mel and kissed her. Mel was pulled away from Yoongi by Jin, who confessed that the two can not be together. Jin, Mel, and  the boys besides Yoongi and Namjoon, went to LA for their next concert. A few days after Yoongi finally recovered Namjoon and Yoongi went to LA to meet the others and be on tour again. As Jin and Mel went to go pick up the two boys from the airport, Mel had to rush to that bathroom but she bumped into Jae Hwa and Yoongi. Jae Hwa took Mel into the woman's restroom and tried to kill Mel. Jin and Yoongi showed up at the scene and saved her

Yoongi life:

At the age of 19 he had friends. Close friends. Jae Hwa, Joey, and Mino. Yoongi fell in love with Jae Hwa and they dated for 5 years. Joey and Mino dated for two but it ended when the two had a fight. Mino was frustrated with himself and he forced..."Forced"...Jae Hwa to sleep with him. Joey found the tape and wanted to report it to the police as a rape crime. Mino got drunk and then"Killed" Joey and lived on with his life, but soon he felt the regret. He gathered all evidence and showed Yoongi what crimes the Mino has committed.  Mino talked about killing himself but Yoongi refused to let it happen. Mino shot himself in front of the poor boy, as Yoongi was trying to save him but it was too late. Yoongi heard footsteps and he quickly hid himself from the area and left. 

Yoongi Regretted the feeling that he didn't do anything so he wanted to reopen the case and  he wanted one person to pay the crime. It was Mel. He tried his best to find her and in order to keep an eye out for her, he had mark hire Mel as a detective. He had Mel do his work as Yoongi sit back and wrote his songs. Jae Hwa later on cheated on Yoongi and he was left heart broken. But when he met Mel in person something was off. He discovered that he fell in love. Not again. He fell in love, with a person he is true to. He fell in love with his true love. He fell in love with Mel. He tried his best to keep Mel safe. He sacrifice himself for her. He fell in love with the target.

Mel wasn't the target in the story. She was accused. It was Jae Hwa. Jae Hwa handed the papers to Mel and showed her that Jae Hwa was the one who did the crimes and blamed it on Mino. The bangtan boy didn't know till Mel proved that Jae Hwa was the criminal all along using Jae Hwa purse and papers. Mel discovered that Jae Hwa was the one who forced Mino to sleep with her and she was the one who killed Joey but blamed a drunk Mino. She drugged Mino to let his mind wonder to suicide. He killed himself because his body did what it wanted it to do.

If there's any questions I'll be happy to answer.

Please enjoy the rest of the story

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