Chapter 18

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I placed my phone on the table. I was still processing what I just heard over the phone.


"Oh, Yoongi."

Yoongi came in the room with his IV still attached to him. He slowly walked his way inside the room I stood up and helped him to his bed.

"When did you leave?"

"Just a bit after you went to the bathroom."

"Oh I see, Do you know where Jin left to?'

"Umm No, I think he left after I did."


He carefully sat up in his bed and pulled the sheets, covering his lap.

"Remeber when I asked, If, you wanted a boyfriend?"

"Y-Yea...What about?"

"You never answered me."

"I-I didn't. O-Oh."

He placed his hand on my lap, staring into my soul.

"I-I don't t-think I want a b-boyfriend Y-Yoongi."

"Is that so?"

I nodded



"Thank you."

"What about you Y-Yoongi?"


"Yea if you want a g-girlfriend."

"There's a girl in mind. Hopefully, after all this chaos, I might have a chance."

He looked down to his lap and smiled. But a sad one. He was hiding something for sure.



"You mean those guy back then. The ones I-I...You know?"

"I know missy. I know. And yes, It's part of the Chaos. But you're not allowed to know the rest."


"Because I said so,"

He looked up, to see my face and moved his hand to my face and moved a strand of hair behind my ear.

"And not to mention, If I don't fix this chaos, I might not spend the rest of my life with...My love."

"You're love...?"

"My first love. My first true love."

Jae Hwa. He was talking about her. I honestly was thinking he was referring to me but no.

That wasn't the case.

In the letter, Jae Hwa stated that they used to date and love each other.

She was probably his first love. His first true love.

"Oh...I see."

Phone buzzed.

I picked it up from the table.

TaeTae- I will be there in 10

Mel-Got it. Btw Jin's not here

TaeTae-He went to get Namjoon and help out

Mel- Oh

TaeTae- U good?

Mel- Yea, Just need time away from the hospital

TaeTae-I got your back girl, See ya!

Mel-See U soon

"Taehyung will be in 10 minutes. I'll go get coffee. Stay here."

All I got was a nod and went my way out the room.

I walked out to the hallway and went off to the 'restroom' for visitors to get my drink.


A hand was placed on my shoulder, slowly tugging me to face a different direction.

I jumped a bit

"Oh, Jin... U scared me a bit."

"Sorry, I just got here, Namjoon didn't need my help."

"I see"

"How's Yoongi?"

"He's fine, I guess, I did get to talk to him for a bit."

"You did. What did he say to you?"

I leaned against the counter and grabbed my coffee. I put in all the creamer and sugar to make me satisfied with my drink. I titled my head while stirring my cup and faced Jin.

"Do you, perhaps, know something about his first love?"

Jin was shocked. His expression showed it all.

I knew it. Yoongi did have a first love and he can't let go of her.

"Don't frown Mel. Yes, he did have a first love but things didn't end up well...May I have a cup?"

I turned around and grabbed a coffee cup for Jin.

"Do you anything about her?"

"I-I...Surprisingly I do."


"I'm guessing you have questions to ask"

I nodded my head and bit my tongue.

"Ask away then."

"Umm...When did he...You know...Fell in love?"

"It was...about 10 years ago. Their love lasted for 5 years, believe it or not. But 5 years ago, after Yoongi graduation, his love was suffering. She was in a horrible state because of a certain someone."

"Who was it?"

Jin looked at me like he was debating on telling me or not. He took a sip of coffee and looked down to the floor, avoiding eye contact.

"Do you have any siblings, Mel?"

"I did."

"You're using past tense Mel."

"I know, That's because they're not here anymore. they're officially gone."

Tears were building up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Mel."

"Don't be It's fine-"

"It's really not. Because of his death, You can't have Yoongi."

"Excuse me?"

"Yoongi doesn't love you. He really doesn't. I heard what he said as you made your way to the bathroom. As soon the door closed, I had a talk to Yoongi. If he dated you or even had some sort of feeling towards you It had to fake."

"W-Why a-are you s-saying all o-of th-"

"Just because of Mel. He's someone you can't be with. I need you to forget him and he wants that too. Remember."

Jin leaned closer to me his breath hitting my ear and my neck.

"He can't love you like he loved his first."

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