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Omniscient POV

"Run, Gimbiya run" a man in a royal attire said falling down and at the same time panting heavily due to all the running.

"no! I can't leave you here, who knows what they might do to you" Gimbiya answered running back to him.

"just save yourself and go without me please! Save the kids, they are the  future of the kingdom" he tried getting up but couldn't.

"still I can't leave you, you are all I've got" wiping her already sweat soaked face she helped him up.

Due to the heavy fell he had, his leg got hurt in the process. Limping and dragging his leg, he took his son by the hand and Gimbiya followed suit with the daughter tied on her back.

After running for a while and certain that the palace guards are not following them. They made shelter under a mango tree.

"dear who do you think is after us" Gimbaya asked looking behind in case they are being followed.

"I'm not sure, but for sure it's people that are after my throne. They don't want me nor Sadeeq  to survive, because they know for sure he is the crowned king" The king lied, knowing  quite well who is after them.

Their minutes of rest got interrupted as they heard the footsteps of the palace guards approaching them.

"where are you, our soon to be dead king" one of his favorite guard asked laughing evily.

The gimbiya gasped and the king quick with reflex put his hand on her mouth. Shaking his head in a negative way.

He has vowed to take his kids to a safety place, even if it means he has to die. What the killer want to achieve, thay can't because surely  one day his son will be the ruler of the kingdom.

" let's leave quietly and slowly through the back of this bush Kabir" gimbiya said to the king bringing him out of his day dream.

He nodded and they followed the bushes in a hurry without knowing where it leads. The moment they stepped their foot on the ground, they came crashing down a cliff with them screaming for their lives.

The waziri who was also with the palace guards rushed to the place to witness what is happening.

"Gwarzo, this people will not survive this fall. It's an endless pit. Even if they do, which I doubt they will, the place is full of wild animals" wiziri said to the gawarzo, waving at the king and queen bye bye.

"then we shall go and tell boss that the job is complete" gwarzo answered. And they all left the place with smile of achievement.

They hurried back to the palace where their boss is waiting for their arrival and saw her at the back of the house in her garden.

"boss the job is done, the king is down" Gwarzo whispered near her ear.

"are you sure?" she asked her sinister smile appearing.

"yes boss, we watched him die with his entire family.

"Then that's good news. What of their dead bodies" she asked further.

"Burnt to ashes, I can assure you of that" Gwarzo lied gulping hard. He didn't want to have to lie to his boss, but what to do? He can't tell her that they fell off a cliff which he is certain sure that they won't survive, she will kill them with her bare hands.

"Now all we have to do is sit down and wait for the drama to unfold" she guffawed in a boisterous nanner, with Waziri and Gwarzo laughing too.

He flicked his eyes open with a lot of effort. The light burned his eyes that he had to close his eyes again. Later he slowly and carefully after so many attempts opened the eyes, adjusting to the light.

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