Chapter 8

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"where are you going to, getting dressed up like that?" Saleem asked Moh as he settled on Moh's bed.

"I'm going on an official date, my very first one with her" He answered using a curler to curl his hair. "and you're coming with" added Moh after he's done curling it.

"what makes you think I'll go with you on your stupid date?" Saleem sat up eyeing him.

"well in case you don't know, I'm going to see my future wife" he muttered eyeing him back.

"Tell it to someone who doesn't know you. Man! when are you ever gonna settle down with just one babe, and probably marry her someday?"

Moh frowned when he heard what Saleem said, then as if remembering something, he smiled and answered "Let's bet on it, that this is going to be my last date. Dude I'm seriously serious about her. Long story, short...I've asked for her father's permission to get to know her. So you better start getting ready because this man," he pointed towards his chest "is getting married within this or the next year" then he did a self pat on his shoulder, opening his wardrobe.

"So do you think I should wear this white Shadda, or that royal blue one?" Moh asked his friend who in turn just stared at him dumbstruck.

"will you quit staring at me and just help me choose already?"

"No! I demand you to tell me who you're going to meet" spoke Saleem after like two minutes of staring at him.

"ok first of all I'm not gonna tell you because you demand, and secondly, how many times have I told you that's not a good way of talking to people. No wonder you don't have any friends apart from me" Moh muttered the last part softly.

"I don't have friends, because they don't match my standards. Do you know how hard it is to have a friend who only wants you for who you are, and not what you have? I'm guessing No!" he whisper yelled the last part standing up from his friends bed and heading for the door.

"Hey! Hey! Where do you think you're going? You see, that's your problem. You have anger issues, and you are sometimes a coward. You tend to run away from conversations about you, you can't continue doing that man. You need to change, I know it's hard to make friends but at least we have each other" Moh dragged him back to the couch and took a seat next to him.

"I know it was a touchy subject and I brought it up, I'm sorry. But please learn how to speak to your loved ones. Now please allow me to finish getting ready, then you'll be my wing man right?" added Moh.

"You didn't tell me who your girl is"

"Don't worry Saleem, you know her and I can assure you that you'll like her" spraying his cologne, he looked at himself one last time in the mirror before picking up his phone, wallet and car keys. "let's get going Saleem, we will need to stop by your house so that you can change your attire. We can't have you visiting my in-laws for the first time in a three quarter trouser" Moh commented walking out of the room.

Right outside his room, he opened a shoe rack and picked a shoe that matched him before walking straight the hallway till they reached a lonely door. With a soft knock, he opened up and they both walked in straight. It's a living room adorned with beautiful brown leather sofas, creamy brown and a little bit dark shade of brown wallpaper, three brown soft carpet rugs in three different part of the room and some bean bags here and there. On one of the sofa's laid an elderly woman reading a holy book, and a girl about two years younger than both the men on the far end of the room watching television and eating fruit.

"Salamu Alaikum" they both bowed as they entered the parlor.

"Wa'alaikum Salam." She answered raising her head from the book. When she saw who it was she smiled brightly sitting up. "a'a Saleem 'Jabbama' (welcome)."

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