Chapter 1

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It's a Sunny day and like always people are busy with work and stuff, not minding the heat because they are used to it.

Across the street are group of girls fetching water while some are washing. Of course it's rare to pass group of people fetching water without quarrels.

So same here, a beautiful 11 year old girl with a tan skin is being harassed. The girl is of average height, her hair even with the scarf is showing because of it's length. By the way she is keeping quiet, you'll know she's not the quiet type but the observant kind.

She watched carefully and quietly as a girl pushed her bucket off the line, and replaced hers in the spot. Not able to take it all she spoke as calm as ever.

"Lami what are you doing, I came here before you"

"So? How does that affect the price of garri in the market" asked the rude girl, whose name is apparently Lami.

"just because I'm silently watching you doesn't mean you can disregard me, I'm also human...'achu' leave me alone) " the girl spoke putting her bucket back in place.

"Ummu-Hani aren't you done, inna will kill us if we don't go home now?"
Sadeeq appeared from across the street shouting his sister's name.

"I'm coming just give me a sec" Ummu-hani said before adding

"next time don't try this rubbish with me, just because you bully others doesn't mean I'll stand foolishly while you throw my bucket away" with that said she picked her bucket of water and left leaving a stunned Lami.

Ummu-Hani just finished her primary school and before her next one begins she and the entire family decided it's best to go to Adamawa for a break, and also spend the month with Inna.

"what took you so long, just to fetch a bucket of water. Just one for Allah's sake!" Sadeeq complained taking the bucket from her.

"I know you're not blind so you saw the long que. And besides it was Lami that was looking for my trouble, she pushed my bucket of water off the line so I gave her my piece of mind" Ummu answered pouting her lips then frowned when she talked about Lami.

Lami is Sadeeq's age mate, but she has the body of a 21 year old. She's a bully everybody knows that, and because of that everyone in their neighborhood is afraid of her because of her body. But of course not Ummu Hani, she hates the fact that people are afraid of her and that's why she and Lami doesn't get along. Lami is used to the fact that everyone is afraid of crossing path with her, but she loathe Ummu Hani because she doesn't give a damn about it which makes her worried.

"why didn't you call me, I would have shown her who the actual boss is"

"I know right? The girl is just full of herself because of her big body, and I know I can beat her up" Ummu Hani said in a bored tone.

"you wish" Sadeeq snickered

"what do you mean? And why are you sniffling your laugh?"

"oh baby sis, it means she'll break you into pieces"

"as if you're better than me, I know for a fact you're not strong"

"Say something and I'll drop your water" he threatened with a wicked grin.

"ugh fine, I promise to keep shut" Ummu Hani spoke zipping her mouth in an imaginary way.
That's how they kept on walking and bickering each other until they reached their home.

It's a little modernized home in the comfort of Yola motel. It consists of a  very medium compound adorned with sand. "Salamu Alaikum" they both said in unison while Sadeeq dropped the bucket of water.

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