Chapter 2

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Immediately after lunch the prefect in charge of Js1 hostel came and opened the gate, and so The twins helped Ummu Hani to carry her belongings into the hostel.

"ok everyone go straight to your beds, it's time for siesta and you know it" a senior shouted entering the room Ummu Hani and the twins are in.
A marathon of race started when the junior students spotted the senior in their room, not because of anything but because she's very strict when it comes to siesta. The time for siesta is usually from 15:00 in the afternoon to 15:15 about quarter an hour, to refresh your brain before going for afternoon prep.

The twins were about to rush to their bed when the senior stopped them.
"you can help your friend settle down, quickly arrange her bed for her ok?"

"ok senior blessing" Hassana answered spreading the white bedspread on the mattress. While Hussaina removed a green three-quarter trouser and a white shirt to go with it, it's the sport wears.

"Senior blessing please I am sorry" a girl shouted outside the the room.

"sorry for yourself, my friend drop that bucket and roll on the ground. You knew it was time for siesta yet you had the audacity to go and bath" senior Blessing shouted comming closer to her.

With nothing she can do, the girl who is still wet started rolling on the floor, immediately she was done Blessing shouted "siesta is over and you have 15 minutes to get ready and leave this hostel"

Every person started with their daily routine including the twins who after making sure that Ummu Hani got settled and dressed they immediately hit the bathroom to bath too. They hardly finished dressing when another senior started chasing them out of the hostel like dogs.

"Move out for prep...1,2,3...9,9 and a half... 10, if you're in the hostel crawl down to where I am" she added after finishing up her counting.

Ummu Hani and the Twins were not lucky because they are among those who didn't come out until after 10, so they jejely started crawling but Ummu Hani refused.

"Ummu what are you doing, crawl or she will beat the heaven out of you.. Ummu I know how stubborn you are but this is a boarding house, you need to respect your senior or they'll deal with you" Hassana whispered to Ummu Hani alone.

"I don't care Hassana, I swear I'm not gonna crawl like someone who doesn't know how to walk" Ummu Hani retorted still standing, not moving even an inch.

"Come, why are you still standing?" she asked sizing Ummu

Ummu Hani Instead stood there kike a big pile of nothing not uttering a single word.

"are you new here?" the senior asked again after a short silence.

"yes" Ummu Hani answered modestly.

"then why are you not crawling?"

"because of this" Ummu Hani removed a paper from her backpack and showed it to the senior.

It's a letter recommended from the doctor about the do's and don't's of Ummu. There's a case of chest pain, which means she can't carry too much load or something of such that'll make her chest to pain. Also she has a joint problem, meaning that she can't kneel down or crawl for a certain amount of time because that'll make her bones to hurt...and a whole lot of illnesses like asthma and pneumonia. The senior finished reading and smiled.

"then why did your parents bring you to a boarding house uhmm 'ajebo' "

"because my father says that there are certain things that only a boarding school can teach me"

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