Chapter 9

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"The day's weather really pricks the skin" Ummu Hani comments, as they walk down the street of ABU. They just finished their last exam of the semester. , MCOM424. It's a four hundred level elective course for Mass Communication students. Being in level 4, she try as much as possible to concentrate in the lecture hall to understand as much as the lecturer educates.

"yeah, it's a good thing we're done for the Semester. I really got tired of going to the library and reading. It's just as if a huge load has been lifted off my shoulders" Khadija Naseer, a friend since from secondary school, who also studies Mass Communication, replied.

They're a group of Seven, walking down from their department to the hostel. Ummu Hani, the twins, Maryam Bebe, Mardiyyah Rafindadi, Fatima Bashir and lastly Khadija Naseer, all from the same secondary school and also offer the same course in ABU, Mass Com. Being from the same school, they found it much more easier to hang together. She also has new friends, but her closest one's so far are the mentioned six.

"So Ummu, are you leaving for Kaduna today or tomorrow?" Mardiyyah Rafindadi asked putting her hardcoverd book in her bag pack.

"I think it'll be better if I leave tomorrow. Moh said he'll be in Zaria today, so I should wait till tomorrow so that we can leave together"

"Moh... You and this your boyfriend. You two better hurry up and get married, we're tired of waiting already" Hassana, one of the twins blurt out, squeezing her mouth in the process.

"well I will assure you guys that the wait is finally over. You know I told you that he came to Kaduna with his father, mother and sister right?" she asked no one in particular, looking at their faces before continuing. " yesterday when we were conversing over the phone, he told me his father and a friend went to seek for my hand in marriage but he..."

She didn't get to finish what she was saying when they alll screamed out like a bunch of giggle buddies.

"so what happened next?"

"has a date been fixed?"

"is it this year or the next?" They all bombarded her with questions.

"ok guys, one question at a time. You're scaring the shit out of her" Fati Bashir yelled in an attempt to make them shush their mouths, which worked well.

"Well I was getting to that part but you didn't let me, with all your screams and giggles" Ummu gave them a pointed look before adding "Anyways, when we spoke again earlier today and I asked him how it went, he seemed hesitant to let me know. He just said he'd tell me everything when we meet tomorrow"

"I just hope whatever it is, it's something worth hearing" Maryam Bebe exclaimed.

They reached the gate of Amina hostel where the securities on duty asked for their ID card. After like thirty seconds, they all showed their ID's to a security before they were allowed into the hostel.

"ok whose room are we going to because I'm very hungry" Rafindadi spoke rubbing ger tummy.

"me too" Bebe followed suit before Khadija Naseer also shouted

"me three" and they all burst out laughing. "You know on thing I noticed? You two are always hungry" Fati Bashir points towards Rafindadi and Bebe.

"I'm surprised you are just noticing" the twins answered shaking their hands, muttering jinx in the process.

"let's go to our room, our fourth room mate, left in the morning. It's just us three remaining" she spoke her eyes darting at the twins, indicating them as her other roommates.

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