Chapter 10

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"what do you mean by he's getting married to another lady?" Ummu Hani shouted almost slamming into another car.

"What else do I need to spill out of my mouth for you to understand what's coming out of it. It means he's marrying another lady and not you. And to think you guys will end up getting married, wow! What a waste of time on your part. You know... " she didn't wait to finish hearing the nonsense spurting out of Khalthum's mouth and just cut off the phone.

How they reached her sister's house is just a miracle of the Almighty, because the whole ride to the house was done absent mindly. When she honked her horn outside her sister's house, the gateman didn't respond. So, not having the spirit and will to wait for the gate to be opened, she parked the car outside the house and hopped down, the other siblings had no choice but to drop down too.

"Salamu Alaikum" they all offered as they entered the house.

"Wa'alaikum Salam" Adda Fati answered, coming right outside of her kitchen. The boys rushed to hug her, while Ummu Hani found a comfortable spot and logged into her Instagram account.

'#Mohaf20' is the first handle she searched for, as she logged in. The varieties of Hashtag that popped up almost gave her a hearattack, some of her boyfriend and his fiancee and some, of total strangers.

As reported by Khalthum, it's what's trending on the app. The #Mohaf20, almost hitting to half a million followers, and almost all the posts have about quarter of a million likes.

As much as it was hard to search and bear, she still did. Searching the 'Adamawa royals' ', she saw different types of pictures. One is of the couple sitting side by side on a chair with their hands interlocking. Another is of them standing and the groom to be, holding her by the waist. There's also one, with the bride's head on the right side of his chest and the groom, holding her by the waist and back tight to him.

It's not the pre wedding pics that completely crush Ummu Hani, no! It certainly isn't. It's the hearty smile etched on his face and the stupid comments of people that did it.

'they look so great together'

'wow, I would love to see their babies, I bet they would be so cute'

'they look so much alike, I guess the saying is true. That when you marry then, you're likely to look like your spouse'

'Wait! Isn't that Ummu Hani's boyfriend? So I guess the rumor is true, that he dumped her for a better girl'

' I've always known that Ummu and Moh never matched. I'm proud of you Moh for finding the right girl. Ummu Hani, I hope this serves as a lesson to you'

"Wallahi dama, I've always hated his former girlfriend, always so full of herself'

Those were the kind of comments that crushed and rooted deep into her heart. Adda Fati's son came rushing to Ummu Hani for a hug but she ignored him. He again tried to gain her attention but saw a tear slip out her eye. The poor kid not knowing what to do, ran to his mother in the kitchen.

"Mumma, Aunt is crying " he spilled to his mother.

"nonsense, why will she cry? Maybe she just yawned"

"No mumma, She was looking at her phone and crying. Come see" Ahsaad dragged her by her skirt. knowing that it's just one of  Ahsaad's baby nonsense, she ignored him. It wasn't until Al'ameen came rushing to her, telling her that Adda Ummu fainted, that she ran out of the kitchen and to the living room.

"Mustapha, tell me what happened all of a sudden. When we talked earlier, she seemed fine"

"Yeah, even when we left home she was fine" Mustapha answered. "But I think it all started when a friend phoned her. I think I heard them talking about someone getting married" he added taking his sister's phone to check who called her.

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