Chapter 4

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"Moh, what are you doing with this child?" he asked with detest in his voice, pointing towards her...The anger in his eyes very well visible. Ummu Hani! Of course he can never forget her name, how could he? When she's been nothing but pain in the ass.

"I'm sorry bro, but she needs a ride home, and we're kinda going to their place, so why not just take her with?" Moh replied unlocking the car with the remote. Not wanting to ruin his mood any further than it already is, he sent her a quick glare before mounting the car.

"Ummu Hani, quickly get in or we'll meet a lot of traffic on the way" shouting from bedside the car, Moh opened the back door seat for her to hop in.

The ride back is a silent one, with every one of them in thinking mode. Ummu Hani stared as they pass by tall buildings and beautiful trees, wishing she's out there in the nature.

"So Ummu Hani what class are you in, now?" Moh started a conversation, not liking how the car is too silent.

"I'm in ss3" she gave a curt reply.

Saleem couldn't stand the name Ummu Hani, talking more or less about her being in his presence. What's worse is that, he knows his friend has a little crush on Ummu Hani. Of course he would, why wouldn't he... Moh only seems to be attracted to elegant and beautiful ladies, just give him sometime and he'll be over them when he finds a new one. He's not saying that Ummu is a beautiful girl, certainly! she is not. But, may be perhaps it's a good thing. Let Moh play with her a little, one thing he's certain of is that Moh can never love her, but watching her heart break into many tiny little pieces will be nothing but fun to him. Then may be there will be a possibility of her getting her manners back, because she definitely doesn't have any...or perhaps she was sleeping when it was being taught to her brothers and sister.

"tell me how do you know Mairamu and Saleem here" The question seems to gain Saleem's attention because he paused the game on his phone to listen to what she'll likely say.

"It goes to five years back, I was eleven then. I snuck out of the Motel in search of something I don't even know when I saw Mairamu...and we bonded since then" Ummu Hani gave a brief detail of how they first met with Mairamu. It was the best thing that happened to her that year in Adamawa, other than standing up for herself in front of Lami the bully that is.

Saleem waited to hear the rest of the story, but instead she kept shut, knowingly omitting the part where they met. He resumed his game when he realized that she probably won't talk about it, but unlike the rest of the days which he doesn't seem to care. It does hurt a little to be ignored even though he doesn't know why.

"give me your number, ok? So that we can chat on WhatsApp" Moh asked as they entered their street, Ungwan Dosa.

"give me a valid reason why I should give you my number, I mean we are completely strangers" Saleem wanted to laugh at her response to his friend, but didn't, instead he just snickered and covered it with a loud cough.

"I'll be going, else I'll be late to my own sister's dinner. Thank you so very much for the ride" Ummu Hani added stepping out of the car immediately he parked in front of her house..

The house is packed with a lot of people, but mostly family. Ummu Hani just can't wait for this wedding to be over, so that she can get her life back. It's not like she doesn't like her family members, no! God knows she loves them. But not everything and everyone that you love and admire have the same mutual feelings towards you. The constant nagging from some of her maternal aunts is just so unbearable, she could easily get rid of them with just one or two phrases from her mouth, but that'll be rude and disrespectful of her and they'll get a chance to loathe her more.

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