Chapter 14

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"now that they are discussing a date  for your wedding, how do you feel?" Hassana asked, wanting to know exactly how she feels. Today is the day Abdulhamid told her about, the day his father and his relatives will come to discuss about the date for their wedding.

"I don't know how you want me to feel Hassy, but I feel normal... Just right" she answered, not lifting her head from her phone.

"are you even listening to us Ummu, you've been staring at your phone since you came here" Hussaina squints her eyes at her, as she asked the question. "why do you even bother coming here if you won't talk to us but your boyfriend...or lemme rephrase that" she smirked mischievously at them both as she talked. Ummu who knows exactly what Hussy will say immediately put both her hands on Hussaina's mouth to shut her up.

"don't you dare say it, both of you" she warned feeling shy all of a sudden.

"kutt! I can't believe it, since when were you ever shy in front of us. Just because you don't want us to shout out the name you've saved of your boyfriend on your phone. Are you scared Aunty will hear us" the twins asked, still laughing, they teased. Aunty is their mother.

"Yes please keep it down. I don't want Aunty to think that I'm shameless" offered Ummu.

"don't worry jare. Aunty isn't even in the house, she is at your house, have you seriously forgotten" Hassana replied, also smiling mischievously.

She face palmed herself in a way that says I'm stupid, before finally picking her phone again. The moment she picked the phone one of the twins snatched it from her.  "you're not going to chat with him, while you're here. I mean you'll soon get married, so let us have you before you leave. You can't be here physically and be with him emotionally and spiritually" spoke Hussaina, eyeing her from head to toe.

"I swear he is just asking me what color of luggage I want"

"Aaawwwwnnnn" they both shouted, scaring her and everyone else in the house.

"You guys should keep it down, what if gwaggo hears you?" Ummu asked with a scared face "what will you tell her then" she added giving them a murderous look.

"chill and relax babe. Gwaggo is together with Aunty at your house. You know there's noway one will go without the other" replied Hassana.

"It totally skipped my mind" muttered Ummu as she moved her hand up and down her chest to sooth it.

"Sooo..." dragged Hassana before continuing. "what colour do you prefer and what type do you want?"

"I swear I don't know, that's why I've been staring at the screen since. I don't have an answer for it"

"black is more matured, but what do you think?" Hassana chirped in as a way of helping her decide quickly.

"you can even choose navy blue... I mean it's also a matured color" added Hussaina.

"don't worry guys, I've already figured out exactly what I want" she replied, while snatching her phone back from one of the twins.

"You know I love surprises right?" Ummu texted Abdulhamid and just a few moments later, he replied back.

"of course I know... So! Why the question about a surprise though?" he also questioned.

"well it's nothing serious, I just want you to surprise me. I don't know what color to choose from, plus the one's you sent me are also pretty. Help me decide will you?" Ummu typed away.

"are you sure you won't mind. I don't want there to be any misunderstandings between us because I chose the wrong one" he asked just to be sure.

"I'm sure I won't get mad. Besides, I  asked you to choose, so why then will I get mad at you. Your choice will definitely be up to my expectations."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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