Chapter 6

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"Heysssss kneel down there" Mr. Labija, the disciplinary master yelled at the students that were singing in the class, when they should be reading since it's time for prep_ afternoon prep. Ummu Hani to be exact.
Ummu Hani and some of her friends immediately ran out through the back door, since he is yet to reach the classroom.

"why are those seats empty, where are the girls sitting there?" he pointed towards some empty sits, and because the class are experts at covering up they lied.

"sir some of them are day students, some are prefects.. So they are in their supervising class and some are in the clinic I think" Juliet Joseph answered.

"Ok, but where are the girls singing. I clearly saw some girls singing and dancing together with those girls?"

"No sir we are the only ones" they answered shaking a bit.

"go to my office and lie down flat there. By the time I'm finished with you, you'll tell me where the rest of your choir members are" he answered walking away.

The moment he walked out of the class, Ummu Hani and the rest walked back inside.

"where were you guys, you almost had us punished?" Jemima asked as they entered.

"we were in the bathroom, I hope he didn't notice we were missing?" Hauwa Khalid replied as she takes her seat.

"of course he did, he said he will be coming back to check on you guys later on, better go to his office before he comes looking for you guys" this time around it was Hussaina that spoke.

"Come on guys are you serious, did he really say that?" Lamorde, who is frightened by the sight of cane, asked just to make sure.

"why would we lie to you guys, we are being sincere here" Anita Samuel, the class captain muttered, before showing them a list. "here is the list he asked me to write, if you don't believe me come and see it for has your names all written on it"

"you say that like we should care, I swear I'm not going" Ummu Hani said sitting down on her desk.

"Ummu Hani let's just go to him before he comes" they pleaded but she didn't budge, it's as if they aren't even talking to her.

"You know what let's just go, maybe he'll forgive us for turning ourselves in" Mamu, who is also among the run away girls suggested.

"Yeah, it's a better idea" they nodded walking out the class room, leaving Ummu Hani behind. They made it only to half of the SS3 block when the whole class shouted...
"It's a lie ooo, we were only pulling your legs"
Ummu Hani immediately started laughing as she heard what the class members said, and so did everyone in the class and surrounding.

It's around seven in the evening, which means it's time for dinner. And today being Wednesday , the food on the menu is Rice and stew with fish flakes in the stew and fried fish. The dining prefects and some other prefects on duty are busy asking the Junior students to run to the dining hall because they are late, while the ss3 students are walking majestically as if they own the school.

"come on now! you girls should walk fast, you know you're late but yet you're walking very sluggish" Hamida one of the dining prefect raised her voice.

"iyyeh, if you like close the gate. Who you epp?" replied Raliya Halliru, a very notorious person. She's what we call the perfect definition of a stubborn girl.

That's how they kept on bickering till they reached the dining hall and took their various seats. With Ummu Hani, Anchau, Hassana, Hussaina and Ikara on the same seat while Farida Ma'aruf (Kisna Barau), Maimuna Umar, Ummee, Hafsat Taheer and Hafsat Gonah were seated opposite to them.

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