Chapter 3

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Ummu Hani

It's visiting day today and all of us are getting ready to meet our parents after what seems like eternity. The second Sunday of each month is the visiting day in our school or as the students here like to call it 'Fedza'.
  Actually every sunday the Christian girls goes to the school Chapel while the Muslim girls attend Islamiya, but not on visiting days.

"Ummu Hani how's your hand" Anchau asked as we walk out of the dining hall, with our breads, eggs and milks with Hassana while Hussaina is holding the hot Lipton water.

"It's getting better, Alhamdullillah. It still pains but unlike before"

"ok then, we'll get going to Aunty Zulaihat. Come meet us there after you take your medicine"

"I will, just make sure you don't eat my bread"

"as if we've ever done that before, besides today is visiting day I'm sure there'll be a lot of bread to eat" They all answered walking away.

I walked straight to the dispensary where I met no one there, because it's visiting day everyone neglects their meds but not me... I want my hand to heal fast. Unfortunately for me Nurse Hassana is the one on morning duty and in case I haven't told you, she's a handful sometimes.

She asked for my details and I told her my name and the date that I was admitted and she gave me my medication.

"Aunty I assure you it's just a minor injury, besides it's been two weeks since the borehole banged my fingers" I assured the twin's mother.

"I know Ummu, but it's not wrong of me to care. Look your hand is all swollen"

"Aunty!" the twins whined making their mother keep shut.

"Anyways why isn't your sister here, we talked on the phone and she said she's on her way; and it's been like 30 minutes now. I mean it's not like she's coming from Kaduna but from this Zaria, Samaru to be exact" their sister Mariya spoke taking a bite out of her chicken.

"I know right, Adda Fati is always like that. Who knows whether when you guys talked on the phone she hasn't  taken her bath even, don't be too surprised to see mama and baba here before her" I explained turning on music from Mariya's phone.

"Girls let's go take some pictures with the rest" Hassana said rather too hyper.

"ok girls but be back early" Aunty shouted behind us.

The visiting ground is very much crowded with people (adults, kids, infants) etc. There I spotted Zainab Ikara welcoming her parents and so I waved towards them. She quickly noticed my hand and asked her family members to follow her to where we are standing.

Yeah totally forgot, Zainab Ikara is Hassana and Hussaina's not so distant relative. Their relationship is rather complicated but they get along very well.

"Ina wuni" we all payed our respects to their parents as they reached us.

"lafiya lau, how are you" their mother answered.

"we are all fine, please this way" Hussaina gave them a short reply and started walking. We walked to where our carpet is sprayed and we all took our respective seats, and then greetings were exchanged between both parties including Zainab's siblings.

Not long after, some of Zainab's friends tagged along to pay their respects to her parents. Some of which are Rukkaya Y Muhammad, Kahdija Naseer, Nafisa Isa, the 'Kanan Manya' who are five in their group,  Mamu, A Sani and the rest.


"Noy korreji maa? (How is your family?)" Aunty asked Adda Fati as she settled down.

"Jam ni (fine)" she answered back.

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