Chapter 7

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"when did you guys start dating?" Adda Fati asked sitting on the spread rug. It's visiting day and since her whole family is in Adamawa state except Adda Fati, she's the only one who came for her visit.

"well we're technically not dating, we are just friends" Ummu answered sitting beside her sister. She misses her a lot and can't wait to fill her on, on what she's been missing.

"oh don't pull that friendship card with me. I know he likes you, I'm not blind little sis. I saw the way he was looking at you on my dinner night, I thought it was just my imagination, but now I know it's not." muttered Adda Fati as she opens a food warmer.
"just like you requested, I didn't put fish in the Moi-Moi, and the Danwake is in that small covered plastic bowl." she added closing the warmer.

"What else did you cook for me?" asked Ummu in a hopeful way.

" I didn't cook anything else for you Ummu. It's not like I have five hands, after all I'm only one person." upon hearing what her sister said Ummu Hani's face fell. "But.. " the moment she heard but, he face lit up with excitement.

"but what?" Ummu moved her face closer to her sister's.

"but, my sweet husband made fried rice and fried chicken just for you. He said something about pampering you because you told him something about me. Tell me what you told him?" Adda tsskd eyeing her baby sis.

"Don't worry, you'll know, with time" she replied  with a dramatic ending, before adding "where's Hamma Nur by the way".

"he had some errands to run to, for their hospital. Something about some new medications. He's at ABUTH (Ahmadu Bello University Teaching  Hospital), but he'll be back any moment from now." she answered back turning her head sideways, where the twins, Anchau and the rest of the girl pals are walking towards.

" 'Ina wuni' ( good afternoon)" they all greeted Adda Fati, squatting down a little.

" and to you too, ladies" she answered back, her Hausa very much clear unlike Ummu Hani. "how are you all doing? And how are preparations for your upcoming papers?" adda asked looking at them with kin eyes.

"it's going smoothly, adda. Where is Hamma?" one of the twins asked looking around.

"he had to step out, but he'll be here with us" adda Fati gave her response. Then as if remembering something she asked " has your sister arrived?"

"nope, they said they'll be a little late. But I'm sure you'll see them before you leave" Hassana added opening the food warmer that has been inviting her because of the sweet aroma emiting from it.

"yes! 'moi-moi' Hassana squealed closing it back.

"Anchau guess the food they are bringing for us today" Hussaina whispered in her ear, all giddy.

"oho" she answered back with a shrug.

"Marghi special" at the mention of that, everyone present squealed, doing a small dance with their bodies. Marghi special is a soup mostly made by the Marghi people, it's made of fish and some varieties of vegitable, their mother being Marghi from Adamawa state.

"yes, Hello" Hussaina answered the phone that just rang.

"'Har kun iso?' ( are you here already?)" she asked looking around.

"ahh! Ok, ok. Just turn left, we're in the garden. The one that is opposite the Masjid..." after a little silence, she muttered "Urggh fine, just stay there, I'll come and get you" she cut the call, giving the phone to Anchau, before adding " let's go Hassana"

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